Sylas:"What the hell happened here?"

Glancing around I saw that my mother's home was trashed and everything was all over the floor. My eyes looked down to see a hand, rushing over to see my mother was laying on the ground. Feeling for a pulse I had found it but it was very weak,


Quick footsteps approached me then Sy dropped down beside me to look at my mother,

Sylas:"Is she still alive?"
Sylas:"Sean, we need to get her to Rosalee. I got her just get the portal ready, please."
Me:"No, you wanted to learn how so now is the time to teach you but I can only show you once so please keep up."

Standing on our feet I moved behind Sy to grab her hands, placing her index finger close to her middle finger on both hands,

Me:"Use this stance, always. Ready?"
Sylas:"Let's do this."

I loved how determined she was no matter the situation, moving her hands in a fast pace she began opening a portal on her own. Releasing her hands I moved to pick up my mother then turn around to see Sy was able to hold the portal open,

Sylas:"Go Sean!"

Moving through the portal quickly I looked to Nick just as Sy jumped through the portal,

Me:"Clench your fist then release to close the portal."

Sy did exactly what I said then the portal disappeared,

Rosalee:"Oh no!"

Rosalee was quick to lead me into the back room to lay my mother down on the small bed,

Rosalee:"Do you know what happened?"
Me:"No but I can only think of who did it."
Rosalee:"What about Marie?"

Hearing a loud growl with a deep rumble following behind it I let out a sigh which Rosalee grew quiet knowing what the answer was. A set of quick footsteps came from behind us causing both Rosalee and I to look over our shoulders seeing Monroe who had a frantic look on his face,

Me:"Now what?"
Monroe:"Sy...she blew up then ran out of the shop. What is going on?"
Rosalee:"The Royals have Marie.."
Monroe:"What! We have to go with her we can't let her go alone they will kill her!"

Looking to Rosalee she gave me a reassuring smile indicating she will care for my mother, standing up I looked to Monroe.

Me:"Is Nick gone as well?"
Me:"Well let's go after them."
Monroe:"We do this as wesen."

Juliette's P.O.V

I knew that would get Sylas fired up, but the moment Kenneth walked in with a little girl I instantly knew it was Marie..

Me:"You said you wouldn't take Marie!?"
Vincent:"That's what I told you yes but what I do otherwise is not your concern. You made your choice when you stayed after given the chance to leave. Now are you up for the next task?"
Me:"Which is?"
Vincent:"Convince Nick's mother that he's in trouble and needs her help."
Vincent:"That is none of your concern. Now will you do it or not?"

Standing there thinking carefully, my eyes looked over to Adalind. Seeing her baby bump made me angry so I looked back to Vincent and nodded.

Vincent:"Very good, after that's done you will have a new life waiting for you."
Me:"I'll call when it's done."

Sean's P.O.V

Spotting Sy storming down the street after searching for awhile I quickly pulled over to jump out and run towards her. When I grabbed her I turned her to face me but her eyes...dark as the night and I could feel her anger flow through me,

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