Magic capabilities

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"Alright, how can I turn Issei back into a human?" Izuku asked the Vestige of One For All as he looked to brainstorm some ideas.

"I don't think none of our quirks can help you here." The 4th user said

"yea, the only one that comes close is New Order." All Might said

"she used Magic to turn him into a devil, so maybe I can use magic to turn him back into a human."

"You think Buu's powers can help you here?" All Might Asked

"I don't know what all he can do." He wasn't exactly training with Buu's magic and stuff. "I'll need to go through his memories and see what he can do."

"maybe I can help you." A voice called out in Izuku's mind and it wasn't One For All.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked

"My name is Dai Kaioshin, I'm a Kai that Majin Buu absorbed. I can turn your friend back into a human if you let me.

Time Skip

"Thanks for coming over." Izuku asked Issei to come over saying that it was important.

"No problem, wow this is a cool place," Issei said as he took in his surroundings. This was the first time he had ever been inside a penthouse.

"I know what happened to you." Izuku stated getting straight to business.

"What do you mean, you know what happened to me last night?"

Ya, you were attacked by a fallen angel." And just like Izuku expected, Issei had a confused look on his face so Izuku decided to explain everything.

"Okay, listen. You know how I told you about that dream I had?" Issei nodded his head remembering Izuku's story.

"Well, it wasn't a dream. You had a girlfriend who went by the name of Yuuma Amano, but her real name was Raynare and she was a fallen angel sent to kill you because you possessed a sacred gear." He explained.

"wow, you know that actually makes a lot of sense. She was going on and on about how I was a threat and stuff. "Wait why don't I remember her then?"

"Because after I threatened her, she erased everyone's memories of her, including yours. I put something on her so she won't kill any innocent people."

Issei relaxed on the couch and began absorbing the information.

"Please explain to me what happened yesterday. Who was that woman?"

"That was one of her comrades who killed you. Sorry, I wasn't there."

"Wait, I died? How am I still alive?"

"Rias Gremory reincarnated you and now you're a devil and you will serve her." Izuku said while cringing at the last part.

"She knew what was going on, right? That's why she was so interested in your dream yesterday," Issei said as all the pieces started to fall into place.

"Tell me, now that you're a devil do you feel any different?" Izuku asked

"Hmm, well I can hear a lot better."

"That boy has a unbelievable power inside of him." Dai Kaioshin said

"I'm ready when you are, just tell me what to do."

"Let me take control of your body."

"Uhm, how?" As soon as Izuku said that his eyes closed and when they opened up Dai Kaioshin was in control.

"Don't worry; I will give you your body back once I am finished. Watch closely Izuku, you can copy abilities that you see once."

Izuku watched with rapt attention from within his mind'scape

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