I'm happy, but...

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Jeonghan and Jisoo were both silent as they watching the scene on the mirror screen, more precisely the scene where Mingyu cleaned the bread crumbs off Wonwoo's cheeks, then froze while thinking about how cute Wonwoo was and how it would feel if he kiss his own cat who had now turned into a human.

Yes, kiss.

Jeonghan and Jisoo were completely shocked by Mingyu's mind. When Jeonghan granted Wonwoo's request to become human so Mingyu wouldn't be lonely, Jeonghan had only imagined that their future life would be more fun and intimate like brothers.

But Jeonghan would never have thought that Mingyu would be attracted to Wonwoo to the point of wanting to kiss him! It hasn't even 24 hours after Wonwoo became human! This was completely out of Jeonghan's imaginations!

"But I must admit..." Jisoo muttered while observing Wonwoo in the mirror screen. "The human version of Wonwoo really looks so cute, and since he was a cat, he was already spoiled by nature. Anyone's heart will definitely flutter for him."

"Don't forget that Mingyu has been alone and single for a long time, too. So, it's understandable if he suddenly wants to kiss Wonwoo, the cutest man he's ever seen in the world."

Jeonghan and Jisoo nodded in unison, agreeing with each other's comments.

"Would it be okay if I applied for a temporary leave of absence so I can continue watching them?"

"Shh, Yoon Jeonghan. Don't let Seungcheol hear your words, he might add your workloads or even make you work overtime."

Jeonghan who heard Jisoo's words just rolled his eyes and put on an arrogant smile. "Seungcheol would never dare to do that to me. Besides, I'm really curious about them and the future that awaits them! Watching them is much more fun and exciting than checking the wish papers one by one! It's also full of ridiculous wishes that don't make sense, they just wasting my precious time!"

"But that's your duty, and you volunteered yourself to fill that position when Seungcheol was assigning duty to each of us angels back then. You said it was the most relaxing one because all you need to do is check the wish paper, then make a decision to grant it or not. That's all." This time it was Jisoo's turn to roll her eyes lazily.

Even so, Jisoo had to secretly admit that observing Mingyu and Wonwoo was far more enjoyable than his own (tiring) duty, recording every good deeds and manners that humans had done.

But, Jisoo wouldn't dare to be absent from his duty. If he was caught by the leader of the angels, Choi Seungcheol, then he had to prepare himself to get scolded or given overtime by him.

It's a different story if you are Yoon Jeonghan, the leader's favorite. Jeonghan never get scolded or given overtime ever, because the leader is always soft for him.

Oh yeah, how long has Jisoo been in the Mirror Room? Damn... He'd better get back to work before he gets caught---

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door. Jeonghan and Jisoo looked back as the door opened.

"Jisoo hyung. It's time to get back into position and start our duties for today. Now." Said an angel that Jisoo recognized as Minghao, his partner in his deed-recording duty. If Jisoo's job was to record good deeds and manners, then Minghao's job was to record bad deeds and manners.

The Wishes [ Mingyu x Wonwoo / Meanie / Minwon ver. ]Where stories live. Discover now