Oneshot: La Cucaracha

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La Cucaracha

This story takes place before Chapter 20

(TW: Cockroaches. If you read Holiday Season oneshot, you know what to expect. Also, let me know if there is anything wrong with my Spanish! I'm still learning)


Bill nearly dropped the jar of jam he had been currently inspecting, and certainly not trying to sneak a taste out of it without paying, as he looked around for the source of the scream. Not because he planned to help. No, that was not the case here. See: hardly anything entertaining occurs within this store, and Bill had yet to encounter any Karens to screw with for the day so he needed something right now to help him escape his boredom.

His options were either to look for the scream or eat the merchandise. He planned to go with the safer option of the two that wouldn't make Y/n pissed at him.

"Blanket? Was that you I heard screa-... Huh. How'd you get up there?"

Bill could've sworn he heard his neck crack as he tilted his head back to look on top of the fridge where a frightened Adrianna sat curled up in a tight ball. She was shaking like a leaf on a windy day, one would have guessed she saw a ghost or something.

"Tan grande... Tan asquerosa... Tan escalofriante..."

"...Okay, the only word I got out of that was "big". Either I'm failing our Spanish lessons or you are using words I haven't learned yet. I'm really hoping it's the latter because Bill Cipher does not like to admit failure." Bill crossed his arms, actually trying to sound out the words in his head but to no avail. He was clueless as to what it was she was going on about.

Before he could ask again what was going on, Bill felt a strong force run into his back causing him to nearly fall over if he hadn't been quick enough to latch onto the counter in time.

"Where is it?! I'll kill it, I swear!" Ollie yelled, a broom in hand as her eyes darted back and forth looking frantically for something.

What that "something" was? Bill had absolutely no clue.

"I don't know! It was on the floor, running around- but I lost it when I turned my back to it to climb up here. It could be anywhere, Ollie!"

"Alright— Don't worry, Adrianna, I'll find it and kill it in the harshest manner for daring to cross your path," Ollie informed, raising the broom over her head while looking around skeptically.

Bill clicked his tongue, taking a step back while watching the show before him in amusement. This day got a whole lot better and way less boring, in his opinion. It was great. The only thing missing right now was some popcorn or some kind of snack. Now Bill wished he had taken the jar of jam with him for he was starting to get kind of hungry.

"So... what exactly does 'cucaracha' mean in Spanish?"

"You." Ollie said flatly, looking back to glare at the demon.

Bill huffed, placing his hands on his hips. "You know, the insult doesn't exactly work if I don't know what you're saying. Unless that was meant to be a compliment— in which I still have no clue what you just said."

Ollie rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore the demon now as she turned her focus back onto the hunt for this "cucaracha". Bill would help in the matter, but to do that he would need some sense of what exactly he was looking for. Which he didn't. It was a bit infuriating, really, that neither of the two would just describe this creature to him. All he knew was that it was big and apparently looked like him. So it must be devilishly handsome then, right? Bill wasn't sure why Adrianna would be terrified of something so sexy, but he did agree that it needed to be taken out. There was only room for one Bill Cipher in this universe, after all.

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat