Chapter 18

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Bill Cipher was walking down the streets of Downtown Mercy, his one and only goal at the moment being to steal some cookies from the local bakery in town.

It didn't seem too hard of a goal to achieve. Shoplifting from the town's local bakery would be like stealing candy from a baby. Plus, it'd keep his mind off the fact that the only human he was starting to like hanging around with was now ignoring him. He just had to open his stupid mouth and convince them to go hang around a bunch of their stupid friends at some stupid amusement park.

It was so stupid. And that's why he refused to think about it. Cookies. Only cookies were on his mind.

He walked down the street with his hood over his head, not because it was cold or anything but because he wanted to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"Bill? Is that you?"

Which failed almost immediately.

"It is you- How've you been, Goldilocks? Heard you've been sick these past couple of days."

"Brik... hey. It's going alright. I was sick, but I'm doing better now. Still got this annoying sniffle I have to deal with but overall I feel a whole lot better now."

"That's good to hear," Brik said, standing in front of Bill now as he held a small, white, cardboard box in his hands. "If you're feeling better though, how come you're not on that trip the others are taking to go to Queen's Court? You don't like rollercoasters?"

"What? No. No, I love the idea of eventually getting to ride my first roller coaster! It's just... I mean, I'm feeling better but not 100% better, y'know? I still feel pretty drained from the cold and thought it'd be... better to stay home, let Candle and the others have their fun."

"But you're not staying home right now. What are you doing out and about if your goal was to rest today?"

"I'm currently planning on shoplifting."

"Oh, well good luck with- wait, what?"

Clearly the answer that Brik was given wasn't one that he had been expecting to hear. Not in the slightest. This definitely took a strange turn that he could not have predicted and yet Bill could not appear anymore confident with his choice for an answer.

"Yeah! Well- See, here's the deal: I'm hungry. I need sustenance in order to survive. The food of choice I am craving at the moment, however, happens to be none other than the delicious, sugary, chocolate chip cookie. I require cookies and I refuse to eat anything else! But the problem I'm having is the fact that Cand- Y/n hid the cookies we had at the house from me! I've tried contacting them, I tried searching all over the house for the delicious jar of goodness, but I've found nothing! I'm left empty-handed! I would go and just buy the cookies from the town bakery, of course, but Y/n also left me with no money! Can you believe it?! Now I'm left with no CHOICE but to go and shoplift just so I can satisfy my craving hunger," Bill cried out his woeful tale to the old man, acting as though this were some life or death type of situation. If you asked Bill, he'd tell you that was indeed the case here.

"I see," Brik said cautiously, looking down at the box in his hands before lifting his head to look back down at Bill once more. "Y'know, there might be another way to get those cookies that you want. Another way that isn't quite illegal and could get you into serious trouble."

"Aw, but where's the fun in that? Laws were made so they could eventually be broken, otherwise the laws are just a bunch of words that have no purpose!"

"I-... Bill, do you want some cookies or not?"

Bill's eyes lit up, pushing the hood off of his head to stare wide-eyed up at Brik. "...Do you have cookies for me to eat?!"

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz