Chapter 14

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TW: Karen's Ahead. One goes after Vox.

Over the past couple of weeks, Bill has grown to love playing the game "Ruin a Karen's Day".

Having to go to the General Store nearly every single day out of the week tends to grow tiresome, especially when the only thing you're allowed to do is either walk around and gaze at the exact same merchandise that they were selling yesterday or take a nap in the back room and hope you don't wake up until it's closing time. So to pass the time, Bill has made it his goal to ruin a Karen's day everyday. It's both fun and causes chaos and he absolutely adores it.

He didn't even know what a Karen was or that this species of humans actually existed until he encountered his very first Karen.

The first time he encountered one was during the busiest time of the day at the store. The line was out the door filled with people who were coming from all across town just to come and try the General Store's milkshakes. It seemed as though everyone understood that if they wanted one they would have to wait in the line and the majority of people were willing to do that if it meant they got a milkshake at the end of the day. Everyone except for one person, at least, understood the assignment.

Norah and Y/n had been on register with Olivia and Adrianna in the back making milkshakes. With two registers open, they were hoping to reduce the line 2x faster but that line really seemed like it was never ending. Bill internally made a bet that they would be stuck here after closing hours because of the amount of people trying to get milkshakes.

As Bill was watching off to the side, he watched as a middle-aged woman with a blonde bobcut stormed up to Norah's register while in the process cutting the entire line behind her.

"...Can I help you with something, miss?" Norah asked, her tone lacking any emotion as she glared at this woman who was disrupting her line.

"I sure hope you can do something- I've been waiting 30 minutes for my milkshake and I still haven't gotten it! Where is it?!"

Norah's body tensed, looking back towards the kitchen where they were currently making the milkshakes before facing the customer once more. She didn't recall ringing this woman's order up, she would've remembered a voice like that if she had. Was it possible that Y/n had been the one to take her order? But they were busy dealing with their own customers right now and this woman was already holding back the line long enough. They needed to get this line moving again. So she made the decision to take this woman's order, asking which milkshake she had ordered and what name she had left on the ticket. According to her, she had ordered a large Magical Unicorn under the name Beth.

But Bill would call her Karen #1 later on.

See, Bill didn't recall seeing this woman up at either register in the past 30 minutes. He had been watching Y/n and Norah work as quickly as they could through this seemingly endless time and with each customer that came up to the register he took a mental picture of them and stored it in his memory box. That way when Adrianna came out holding a milkshake with a name on it, Bill could easily point her in the direction of where the person had gone to sit down. Not once did he remember seeing this person come up. It could be possible that she had ordered her one milkshake so fast that he just completely missed her, but he doubted that. He didn't believe that to be the case in the slightest. So he waited for Karen #1's milkshake to finish being made and see what happens.

"Here you are, Miss Beth. One large Magical Unicorn milkshake. We do apologize for making you wait so long," Norah said as she handed the milkshake over to the customer.

"Oh, that's alright dear. Now, is this where I should pay for it?"

Norah paled, staring at the woman in complete shock by this question. You pay at the same time you order the milkshake. So if she had put in the order like she said she did thirty minutes ago, then she would've paid thirty minutes ago. Which meant only one thing...

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