Chapter 9

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"A boyfriend. They have a boyfriend and that's him. Claire Wolffee," Jerome explained, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "He's like- the most annoying person to ever walk the Earth! He's a scum, a prick, a manipulator, and a very well-known cheater around town! I don't understand how he keeps getting partners- I especially don't understand how Y/n could have fallen for him! He's so toxic and yet they fell right into his arms. Like- did they not read the signs? Why wasn't anyone able to convince them that he was not healthy for them?! And now they're too far in to even listen to the rest of us as we try to explain to them that he will only hurt them in the end!"

"Umm- Okay, chill out. I was not asking for that random backstory on his character. I was just merely asking because I'm surprised Y/n found a partner that can actually tolerate them. Claire must have some really low standards," Bill rolled his eyes, already walking back to where he had been sitting previously.

Jerome sighed, glaring out the window at the two as they talked. "I don't get why everyone goes for the bad ones who will only break them in the end. Why not go for someone who is loyal? Someone who will treat them with respect and love and adoration? ...I'm just really lonely and want a partner."

Jerome pouted, Vox walking over and giving their ginger friend a small pat on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Bill groaned, making a disgusted face as he began to scratch his nails against the floor. "Kid, love is useless. It does more harm than good. Love sends you into this false sense of security that for a small moment everything is happy and good in the world. But then it shatters, that happiness comes tumbling down and true colors are revealed. You're always left with more pain and heartbreak in the end that will never be fixed no matter how much tape or glue you use to stick that heart of yours back together. You will never be whole again and people will continue to take that fragile heart of yours and break it down more and more until there is nothing left to fix. So, take my advice: don't let love fool you. Love is an illusion and you're better off just never falling into that pit of heartbreak and despair."

Jerome stared at Bill in silence, his jaw having slightly dropped as he listened to the demon's words. He then quickly began to take his phone out and began writing down Bill's advice, finding it very interesting and very important to his demon research.

Vox silently glared at Bill, not saying anything as they did. Bill had no idea what that was all about so he just looked away and chose to ignore it.

After a moment of silence that followed Bill's lesson on love, a ticket order came through the window and quickly after Y/n's head poked through said window with a smile on their face. "Hey! This is Claire's order. If you guys could add maybe some extra toppings on it, that would be great."

"Sure, anything for you. But quick question: Did Claire actually pay this time?" Jerome asked, looking over which milkshake Claire had ordered.

"...No. He didn't."

"Did he manipulate you into giving him yet another free milkshake?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Y/n, if the boss finds out you're giving out so many free milkshakes-"

"But he's not going to find out. He's on vacation and I know you guys won't rat me out for it. You-... You won't tell him, right?"

Jerome glanced over at Vox who was ignoring the conversation completely and just getting started on making the milkshake. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before looking back up at Y/n. "Of course I won't tell. But only if you promise me that you'll stop doing this for him. He's going to get you into trouble and is using you to get free food. It's not fair to you. If he wants something, he should be able to buy it himself."

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