Chapter 11

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His eye opened, looking around as he mentally grinned to himself.

This was it, everything was falling into place.

All he had to do was find the equation, the simple equation that would take down the barrier once and for all.

Then, and only then, can chaos escape into the world and allow the full take over to commence.

Luckily for him, this place was pretty cleaned up. He appreciated how well the human kept things in order even when it came to his own thoughts. It was a clear, professional mind. Everything was in order, making his job easier as he wouldn't have to scour the entire mindscape for this piece of information.

A single door stood alone amongst the white void that surrounded him. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was where he needed to go. Without a second thought, he floated over towards it.

His hand was on the handle.

The door opened with ease, not a single creak could be heard coming from the hinges.

And that was the moment everything went wrong.

When the blue fire erupted and surrounded the room, Bill's panic began to set in.

No, no he shouldn't be here. He's already gone through this scenario once before, hasn't he? Was it once? Maybe twice. Maybe not at all. Was this what deja vu felt like? That moment where you think you've already lived through a moment only to find out this is your first time ever being placed in this particular situation? Maybe that was what it was. Deja vu. That would explain why it felt so familiar, but that did not ease his worries in the slightest.

Bill didn't want to be here. If this played out how he remembered- or, at least how he thought it would play out according to his fake memories that were coming true, then this was all going to go horribly wrong. He didn't want to live through that. Not again. No, not again. Because it would have had to already happen for this to be considered 'again'. He didn't want this to happen at all to him.

"Let me outta here! Let me OUT!" He couldn't breathe. Everything felt all too real yet at the same time it felt like a bad dream. One he couldn't wake himself up from. Was the blue fire in the room causing the temperature to rise? It felt hot in here. And the walls. Were they closing in on him? He really thought the room was getting smaller and he found himself having trouble breathing. Do demons need to breathe? He can't remember.

Bill points at the door in an attempt to destroy it and get himself out of that hellhole but he found his powers were useless here. Powerless. Right. Wasn't he powerless? "Why isn't this working?!" It sounded like his voice was not his own. He knows that to be his voice but... it had been so long since he heard it. Was that even his voice anymore?


Bill's eye shot wide open. No. No, he recognized that voice. He recognized it all too well and it made every inch of his body tense up. He wanted to curl up. Hide. Get far away, far enough away to the point he could no longer hear this man's voice. This was the last voice he wanted to hear.

"Look at me."

The voice that would bring about his downfall.

"Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon!"

The voice of his killer.




"No, no, no, no..."


Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now