Chapter 17

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"Huh... interesting," Y/n muttered after they had just gotten off the phone and placed it faced down on the table next to their plate of toast.

"What is?" Bill couldn't help but ask his human roommate before shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"That was my boss. Apparently someone broke into the store last night. The door was shattered when he got there this morning and the entire place had been wrecked. A lot of stuff had been either broken or taken. So he's shutting the store down for a couple days... which sucks since this would have been my first day back after having taken care of you these past couple of days. But good news- he plans to still pay everybody while we're out of work. So until the store can be fixed—"

"We don't have to go to work!" Bill exclaimed with his mouth full of food. He threw his arms into the air, a bright smile on his face.

"...Bill, you don't work anyways."

"Yes— but you are constantly dragging me up to that place of torment and misery. So I'm practically suffering along with you whenever we go up there. But now we don't have to! Which means~ I get to go back to bed!"

With that, Bill scooped up his bowl of cereal and proceeded to head out of the kitchen. The moment he stepped foot out of the kitchen doorway, Y/n's cell phone began to suddenly ring once more.

Bill quickly peaked his head back into the kitchen, a look of horror crossing his face.

"Don't tell me that's your boss calling and changing his mind! I need my beauty sleep!"

"Oh hush, you big baby. It's just Ollie calling," Y/n said as they picked their phone back up and brought it to their ear, answering the call. "Hey! Did you just get a call from the boss, too? ...I know, right?! I was shocked to hear it myself! I mean seriously- we sell a bunch of cheap merchandise. I'm surprised anyone would waste their time stealing from our store. ...Oh? And what did you and Adrianna have in mind?"

Bill leaned against the wall, scooping up spoonful after spoonful of cereal into his mouth while listening in to the conversation. He was a very curious demon, he couldn't help but to eavesdrop. Besides, it's not like Y/n got calls from people often. He was honestly beginning to think they didn't have any friends. It wouldn't really surprise him if that were the case.

"Oh... really? Y'all were planning to head over to Queen's Court? ...You wanted to know if Bill and I would come? Well, uh-..."

"Queen's Court? What's that?" Bill suddenly asked, walking back over to the table to hover over Y/n.

Y/n moved the phone away from their ear, placing their hand over the microphone as they turned around to talk to Bill. "It's-... It's an amusement park. An amusement park is a place where-"

"I know what an amusement park is, Candle! It's one of the only good things you humans have in this dimension! Tell them we're going! We HAVE to go! Screw sleep- I don't need to go back to sleep! I need to ride roller coasters, eat a bunch of junk food, waste all your money on a bunch of those rigged games!"

"Bill- we can't."

The demon's face instantly fell, his excited smile dying right as they said this. "What? Why not?! I'm feeling much better now! Sure my nose is still stuffy but it's fine! I'm fine- I'll wear a mask if I have to!"

"Bill, that's not it-"

"Then what is it?!"

"Queen's Court isn't in Mercy. ...It's in Virginia, outside of the borders of this town. It's not that I don't want to take you to an amusement park. It's the fact I can't."

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن