Chapter 4

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Happy 10 Year Anniversary of
Gravity Falls

TW: Mention of dead animals

Everything was blurry, bright lights blinding his vision. He didn't recognize where he was and couldn't make out much detail out of what he was able to see. Trying to focus on the smallest of details was causing an awful migraine to form and develop, yet he continued to try and see through the blinding lights and foggy vision in an attempt to see something- anything.

For a moment, through the light, he caught sight of a door. A familiar door. It was a glass door with a red door frame surrounding it. He slowly reached his hand out towards it, grasping onto the silver door handle before going to open the door. As the door was being opened, a ray of sunlight seemed to hit the shiny door handle just perfectly to the point that the sun's rays reflected off just to hit him in the eye and cause his vision to blur once again.

He got to see flashes of images from that point on, nothing too solid like the image of the door had been for him. The next images he saw barely lasted a second. They came and went in a blink of an eye, being too fast for him to actually grasp onto the image and make sense of what he was seeing though he tried his best. He saw countless shelves filled from top to bottom with items, but he could not describe for the life of him what those items had been. He saw multiple people surrounding the area, kind of spread out- but their faces were blurred and their bodies resembled that of an abstract art piece. He continued walking forward, though. At this point he wasn't sure whether he was walking forward on purpose or if he was being controlled like a puppet on its strings.

Nonetheless, forward he marched through the light and fog, trying to reach his destination without knowing what that destination might be. At the same time he felt lost, he also believed this to be all too familiar without knowing why that was the case.

The next flashes showed what appeared to be a desk, all the objects on it very blurred with an abstract body of a person behind it.

Then his vision went white once more. Suddenly the image he had just previously seen was now zoomed in.

White again. This time when the image was shown to him it was zoomed in so close that all he could see was the mouth of the person behind the desk. They were smiling brightly and it felt... warm and welcoming.

White once more. This time the image was zoomed in on their eyes. (E/c) eyes. The image of their eyes wasn't very clear or defined but the color was there, directed on him and him alone

The light and fog clouded his vision once again. This time when the image returned, the person and the desk they were standing behind was gone. He was looking at his feet. The strange thing was: the image was very clear. Sure the edges of his vision were still a bit foggy but the center of the image he was focused on now was very clear to see. His feet were covered by what looked to be red and white converse, the shoelaces very loosely knotted and looking as though they might untie at any moment. He watched his own two feet- were they his own feet?- walk for a good bit before stopping.

His head slowly lifted up, seeing the bottom of a shelf at first before his head continued to raise higher and higher. The items on the shelf were still unrecognizable to him except for one singular item when his head finally lifted high enough to spot it at eye level. Slowly his hand began to reach out towards the object, picking it up and holding it very delicately in his grasp. The words on the small glass jar began to appear much clearer to the point they were readable. On the label of the jar, it read: Sparkling Cinnamon.

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