Chapter 2

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TW: Mention of dead animals

The stranger that came from the lake and successfully killed the woods and everything in it that surrounded the lake rose to his feet, his body shaking and struggling to keep himself up. Even though he looked to be in pain just from having to stand up, he held this bright smile on his face. He felt relieved, refreshed, even. One moment he thought he was done for, that that was it and he would not get the chance to see another day. Here he was, however, standing and breathing in the middle of nowhere, but at least he was alive.

He looked down at his arms that laid limp at his sides, drenched in water like the rest of his body. He narrowed his eyes down at them, standing completely still for about fifteen minutes before finally his arms began to twitch, and slowly they started to rise on command. Soon they were halfway up, kind of in the trademark zombie position with his arms stretched out like he was about to go and eat some brains. He breathed slowly, focusing on being able to command his body parts to start moving properly. His right arm started to bend more and began to pull in towards his chest, his left arm having a bit more difficulty getting to behave and listen to what his brain was trying to order it to do. His right side seemed to be waking up much faster, and soon he was able to start wiggling his fingers and flexing his right hand. He laughed at this accomplishment, still finding it very sore to move at all but was glad he at least was starting to get the hang of it.

He formed his right hand into a fist, letting his arm lower back to his side before he began working on doing the same process with his left arm, just at a much slower rate. It took much longer than he would have liked it to but soon he was able to bend his left arm and flex his left hand. He grinned to himself, proud of this success. He was making progress. Soon he will be back to full health, back to his full power and in no time will he be able to pick up where he last left off.

Feeling prepared and ready to exit the demolished woods, he went to take a step forward... only for his legs having yet to awaken which caused his full torso to move forward instead and make the man fall forward, flat on his face with an annoyed grunt.

'Legs. Right. Need to get my legs working. Can't float at the moment.' He thought to himself as he used his sore arms to push him over and onto his back. The stranger then proceeded to start the process of getting back up again before starting to slowly move his legs little-by-little like he had with his arms.

Around thirty minutes later, the stranger could be seen starting to walk and make his way out of the woods.

The first stop he wanted to make was the shack. Not because he intended on going inside, that's a death wish just waiting to happen and he just got back. No, he just wanted to see the grieving faces of the family that tried to destroy him when they realize that they now no longer have a great uncle. He wants them to grieve and mourn for the loss of his memory, and right as they start to believe it was the only way that could have stopped him and that their great uncle saved them all, he plans to reveal himself back in full-power just to show their great uncle's sacrifice had been in vain. And only then, with those looks of full terror, guilt, and regret, will he kill them all. It was the perfect plan, in his eyes. Surely by the time he finally arrived at the shack his powers will have awakened just as his body had and he will be able to use it against all those that have wronged him.

It was a bit of a long walk before finally he reached the edge of where the explosion had taken place to see actual life and vegetation. Apparently he didn't take out the entire woods, after all. Just a good portion of it. There were some corpses of animals popping up here and there though, but these trees at the very edge seemed to be spared and were given the chance of life. It was quite disgusting to see, in his opinion. He had to trudge through the trees, avoid roots that stuck out of the ground to avoid tripping, before finally escaping the woods and coming across a road.

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