Chapter 16

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"Ooh! Would you look at that- I've never met someone who was from the flat dimension before!"

Bill opened his eyes, looking around as he tried to figure out where he was. The edges of his vision were white and blurry. That seemed familiar... Was he experiencing another nightmare?


No, demons don't have nightmares.

That line seemed familiar. This scene seemed familiar, too. Was this a memory? Maybe he was feeling so sick to the point that his brain decided to go down memory lane.

He recalled this moment... It was the first time he had traveled out of the second dimension. He had become tired of the dimension he had grown up living in. He absolutely despised it. It was a dimension filled with flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. He wanted something more than what his home could offer him, and so he left to go and travel across the other dimensions. By complete and utter accident, Bill had stumbled across the Nightmare Realm. It was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before, and instantly he grew attached to it.

Before he could claim this as his new home, however, a couple of residents within the Nightmare Realm had decided to greet him.

"He's so thin! So two-dimensional— How strange!" Pyronica exclaimed as she began to circle the floating triangle.

"You're a long way from home," 8 Ball commented, looming over Bill.

"Yeah! Whatcha doing all the way out here for?!" Teeth chattered as the others began to file in and surround Bill.

He remembered this. The first time he met his Henchmaniacs. At first they had just been a group of freaks causing chaos wherever they went without any leader to tame or control them. They had no real purpose, doing whatever it was that they pleased to do. No wonder the Nightmare Realm had been falling apart. This was the first time Bill even saw this place and he could tell straight off the bat that it was in shambles. Soon the Nightmare Realm would collapse into itself and be no more due to its lack of laws and consistent physics.

Initially, he didn't view this place as somewhere he'd want to settle down in. Maybe there was a more stable dimension he could go to and call home.

"Just passing through. Not looking to cause any trouble—"

"Well that's a shame! Because we love trouble~" Pyronica snickered, standing directly behind Bill now.

Yeah, they definitely weren't as loyal to him upon first meeting as they were nowadays. He honestly wondered how they were doing without his guidance at this time.

"That's great for you. I think I'll be on my way now, though. I have a lot of plans and not much time to act on them."

"You can't leave yet! We haven't eaten!" 8 Ball quickly grabbed one of Bill's arms, causing him to tense and look up at the goblin-like creature.

"I don't understand what that has to do with me and why my presence would be required—"

"Hehe- Yeah, I'm starving! Think there's enough of him to go around and share?!" Teeth proceeded to grab Bill's other arm, holding him in place.

"I doubt it. He's snack-sized! And I saw him first so if anyone here is eating him, it's going to be me!" Pyronica growled before sliding her tongue out of her gaping maw and began to lick Bill's back.

First impressions are the most important, as they say.

The last thing Bill had expected to occur that day was to become food for a bunch of heathens. He remembered all of this. Remembered how tight their grip was on his arms that he could've sworn they would snap like twigs. He remembered how slimy and uncomfortable of a sensation it was to feel a large tongue glide across his back for a sample of how he would taste. He hated it. He hated it so much. If Bill recalled correctly, this was his very first experience with touch. Even back in his own dimension, the beings there were too flat to want anything to do with physical touch. And Y/n wondered why he didn't like to be touched.

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now