Chapter 3

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TW: Mention of dead animals

Bill Cipher's smile fell, not expecting this stranger's response when he revealed himself to them. Who?! Who?! Did they not realize who they were dealing with, who they were talking to?! This was absolutely disappointing. By now he was certain that everyone knew and feared his name. How come they had zero idea of his existence, though? Maybe they knew him by appearance and not by name, that could be a possibility.

"You know... the yellow triangle guy- Usually seen with a top... hat and bowtie, one eye, has dashing good... looks, and is meant to be worshipped by you and the rest of your... pathetic species. You know, that Bill Cipher."

This did not seem to stir any memories up for the stranger, however, as they started to look not only confused but now a bit concerned for this man's mentality.

"...Sir, I don't know anyone by that name or description. Could you please just leave before I go call the nearest asylum and see if they've lost a patient recently."

"Really- Wait- Really?!" Bill was absolutely shocked by how stupid this person was. Did they hit their head too hard recently and completely forgot about everything that he had done to this town? He didn't think he had been absent for too long between getting erased while in someone's mind and then coming back from within the depths of a lake in a new body. Figuring out how much time had passed was definitely on his to-do list but right now he was going to assume this person has just been living under a rock and that's why they know absolutely nothing of his existence. "Wow... just wow. ...You really are an idiot but that's fine, I can probably still work with that. How about this- you simply point me in the direction of where the Mystery Shack is and I won't kill you and you'll never have to see me again!"

The person Bill was talking to was really starting to regret leaving their phone in their bag in the backroom. A shiver went down their spine at the threat but still they wore this expression on their face that made them seem as though they were still lost and confused about every word that escaped from Bill's mouth.

"...The 'Mystery Shack'? ....There's no place called the Mystery Shack in this town."

Bill didn't react right away, just staring at the figure across from him in the darkness. This... can't be true. No Mystery Shack? That's impossible! Maybe some time did pass since he was brought back from the dead Maybe the shack had been destroyed during Weirdmageddon and they decided not to rebuild it. That had to be the explanation for this. It had to be. He needed to make sense of this, try to figure out what was going on here. They couldn't be that clueless as to not know about the famous tourist trap, right?! It's such a small town, everyone seems to know literally everyone here!

"...No Mystery Shack? Like- you're positive about that? ...Like 100% sure-"

"The closest thing I can think of that sounds similar to that is the Conundrum Cabin. It's an escape room where you have to solve a bunch of puzzles to.... well, escape the room."

"What- No! No, that's not the Mystery Shack at all! It's a place tourists can't escape from because they're too busy being fooled by a greedy old man who is practically stealing all their money while they're being amazed by a bunch of fake- Y'know what, I don't have time for this. What about the Pines family? Stanford or Stanley Pines- are they still here? Did they move? Why is there no Mystery Shack?!"

"How about I ask a question of my own, okay," they quickly intervened, taking a breath as they gripped the lighter a bit tighter the moment Bill started raising his voice at them, "Where exactly do you think we are?"

Bill Cipher was a bit taken aback by this question, swaying a bit as he stood there. "Gravity Falls, Oregon. Where else would I be exactly?"

There was a moment of silence right then, before the stranger burst into a fit of laughter. Bill was speechless, not expecting that reaction in the slightest. He was in the town of Gravity Falls right now... wasn't he? Where else would he be?

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now