Chapter 8

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"I still don't understand why you're forcing me to come with you. Couldn't you have just left me back at the house?" Bill muttered under his breath as he pressed his forehead against the glass of the window, watching the trees pass by as they drove.

"You really thought I was going to leave you alone for 7 hours in my house where you could be doing who knows what without me there to stop you? Yeah right! I was already freaking out at the idea of leaving you alone at my place for 2 hours while I left to get you clothes. My anxiety couldn't handle leaving you alone for 7."

"Aw, but I'll be a good little demon! You can trust me~"

"...No. I really can't trust you. You're coming to work with me today, demon, and that's final."

Bill yelled in frustration, pulling his head back only to slam it against the glass a bit harder. Y/n simply rolled their eyes, ignoring the little fit he was throwing as they drove off to work.

Y/n worked at the Mercy General Store, a small little gift shop that was much closer to the townline than it was to the actual town and any other civilization. It was a store that had jams, jellies, small trinkets you could decorate your home with, souvenirs for tourists who were visiting or just passing by, and the most famous item they sold: milkshakes. If it weren't for the crazy milkshakes they made, the store would rarely have any customers unless it was christmas time and people were looking to buy some cheap, last-minute gifts for their family and friends. It was a good thing the boss brought milkshakes to the store when he did or else they would have run the risk of having to shut down the place due to the lack of customers coming in.

When Y/n finally parked the car in the Mercy General Store parking lot, they were the first to get out followed by a grumpy demon who had very little to no interest in the idea of being stuck here all day. Bill trudged his way towards the front door of the store where Y/n was already pulling out their keys to officially open the store for the day.

"The lights are on," Bill quietly made the observation as he looked through the glass door to view the inside.

Y/n paused their search for the right key on their keychain, glancing back at Bill before looking forward and seeing that he was correct. The lights were on. They should be off. Whoever worked yesterday should have turned off the lights when they were closing so there was no reason the lights should be on in the store right now. The human tensed for a moment, looking down at the handle of the door with a small thought plaguing their mind. Reaching out, they grasped the handle and pulled on it gently to see what would happen.

The door opened with ease in response to being pulled on.

"Huh- How did you do that without unlocking it?" Bill asked, tilting his head to the side as he found this trick of theirs to be interesting. But then he instantly frowned, the realization dawning on him. "...So, uh... guess someone beat us to it then?"

"There's no other keyholder working today. I'm the only one working today who should be able to open this door. Which means... it's possible that whoever was working yesterday forgot to close the store properly- or someone broke in." Y/n let a shaky breath escape, staring at the door in fear before a stern look crossed their face and they puffed their chest out. "That's fine. I'll take care of this. No problem. I'll let them know they've been caught and that they need to leave my store now before I call the cops."

"...Right. 'Cause that worked so well when I broke into the store just the other night. And what if they have a weapon on them or something?"

"Okay... Okay, fair point-... You know what? You're the demon. You take care of this."

Y/n quickly grabbed Bill's arm and shoved him in front of them.

"What?! No! I'm not risking my life for yours! If anyone's about to die here, it's going to be you!"

Mercy (Bill Cipher x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon