"Yes. I was their guard and was accompanying them out on a run."

"Based on the report surrounding their deaths, it states they died in a battle. Is that correct?"

"Partially. I wouldn't say it was an official battle. They died in an attack by rogue wolves." I hear some gasps and murmuring from the rows behind me.

"Rogue wolves? Are you sure?" Thyrius questions and I nod firmly. "I was attacked alongside them, and I can say with certainty that it was rogue wolves..."

"What happened during the attack?" Athena questions next and I sigh. "We were swarmed. There were too many of them."

"Surely a guard like you and a Luna and Alpha wolf should have been able to take on at least some of them, no?"

"We were not able to. We couldn't shift."

"What do you mean?" Athena says in confusion.

"The Alpha, Luna and I couldn't shift into our wolves at all. At the time I heard my wolf in my head, but I was unable to let her out and take control. It was if something was blocking my ability to do so."

"This resulted in the injuries you all sustained, killing the Alpha and Luna, correct?" Daciana asks and I nod. "Yes. Sadly, the rogues took the Alpha out first, then incapacitated me and then killed the Luna in front of me."

"Did you recover from your injuries?"

"I did a few weeks later. My wounds took a long time to heal. Longer than a normal wolf."

"Do you know why?" Daciana continues and I shake my head. "I have suspicions, but nothing of merit."

"Have you fully recovered from your injuries to this date?" I sigh. "I healed from the physical injuries, but the emotional ones were harder to recover from. I currently do not have access to my wolf, and I haven't had access to her for 6 years now."

"Why is that?" Oryn states, his tone firm.

"I was bound with silver cuffs for the better part of 6 years after the deaths of the Alpha and Luna."

"Who bound you?" Sebastian questions angrily and I turn to look at Cole.

"Cole Hammond. The current Alpha of Red Moon."

The growl that comes from Sebastian startles me and others in the room. "That is an illegal punishment. What made you think that you could use that punishment on Ivy, Alpha?" He questions as his attention turns to Cole and the shock on his face is obvious as he looks to Alarik with a glare.

It's hard to not smirk.

It was Alarik's idea and Cole didn't even check to see if it was a proper punishment for the crime. Idiot.

"I didn't realize it was a banned punishment. I went of advice from those around me and made the decision that way."

"Well, it was an idiotic decision. This whole thing should be thrown out because you used an illegal punishment for a crime that you never reported with the council until now." Cole flinches and its then Nate squeezes my hand in reassurance.

Oryn turns his attention to Cole and speaks.

"You wrote in the report that Ivy had died. Yet she in here in front of us. Care to explain that?"

"I didn't write the report."


"Someone else wrote an official report on your behalf for an incident that happened within your own pack. Are you just wasting our time here, Alpha Cole?" Oryn states coldly and I look to see Cole shake his head. "No, she should pay for her part in their deaths."

"What part did she play in their deaths? To me, it sounds as if there were circumstances out of her control that contributed to the death of your parents. She wasn't directly involved from what I've heard today."

"She worked with the rogue wolves. That's why she survived!" Cole raises his voice and casts an accusative finger towards me.

"Reigns." Nate says sternly.

"Yes, Alpha King. Do you have anything to add?" Athena asks curiously.

"Ivy has not been associated with the rogue wolves. When I first met her, you couldn't even say the word rogue without her going into a freezing panic. If she had worked with them, do you really think she would have such a debilitating fear of them?"

"This is true." Sebastian mutters.

"You've by now seen the evidence we have presented on behalf of Ivy's defense. She had nothing to do with the Alpha and Luna's deaths at all. She was an unfortunate victim and has been unfairly treated because her own weak Alpha couldn't get past his anger towards her surviving."

"It very much seems so. Cole, do you deny physically abusing Ivy while she was at Red Moon?"

"I never laid a hand on her." He says sternly and Nate growls lowly.

"I witnessed it myself, asshole. You watch your lies." The anger radiating off Nate is worrying to say the least and I wrap my arm through his, hoping to settle him down at least a little bit.

"Enough!" Sebastian says loudly, his voice echoing throughout the room. "Based on what we've discussed today, I can say with certainty that the wrong person has been charged today. Ivy, you are free to go."

I turn to look at Nate and he smiles warmly at me, my heart fluttering in response.

"Alpha Cole Hammond and Beta Alarik Esten." Oryn calls them out by name and title, and I see all the colour drain from Cole's face across the room.

"For the use of illegal punishment, abuse, and falsifying reports, you both will be charged for those crimes and removed of your stature and title within your pack. A new Alpha and Beta will be selected to take over your duties. But first, a full investigation of Red Moon will be done, while you both are held in the dungeons. Hopefully we don't recover anything else."

"You can't take my birthright from me!" Cole yells frantically as his hands are bound behind his back by one of the royal guards.

"You abused it, now deal with the consequences. Just because you're born into an Alpha family, doesn't mean that you will keep it. You've disgraced your family's lineage. I hope you're proud." Daciana says, her voice full of disdain.

I've never felt such a freeing feeling in my life, watching Cole and Alarik being taken away.

Fuck you, Cole.


 - I didn't want this to drag out too long, so I kept pretty straight to the point.

 - Enjoy!! I can't believe we're starting to get close to the end of this story!!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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