47b - Dire Realization

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Ivy's POV

I'm spent.

It's now day three of my heat, and thank God for both Nathaniel and I, it's at the end. All the plans went out the window the moment that he fucked me for the first time on the first night. After that, it was like a dam opened.

We had sex a total of 8 times.

The bed.

The bathroom counters.

The floor.

The couch.

The kitchen.

Not to mention the times he just played with me, and I him.

I blush as think back sitting on the edge of the bed, having just gotten out of the shower with Nate. I look around at the bedroom and it's a complete mess. Our pillows are scattered on the floor, the bedsheets are half on the bed and half off, and clothes are strewn about. We had attempted to get dressed a couple of times after the first round, but after ripping them off each other, we decided to just stay naked until my heat was over.

"What a mess." I say as I chuckle, and I hear a low chuckle as Nate comes back into the bedroom. "You've got that right. We will have to tidy up a bit today I think."

"I think so too." I smile as he approaches me and places a light kiss on my lips, and then walks over to his dresser, pulling out clothes for himself. I stand then and walk over to my own and pull out some black leggings and a oversized grey t-shirt and my bra and underwear. I start to get dressed and I feel Nathaniel come up behind me and he wraps his arms around me, engulfing me.

"You feel okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, I feel fine."

"I'm glad we go through your heat okay. I was worried." He rests his head on my shoulder and I sigh. "I was too. The moment it hit me I just thought it wasn't going to stop. But you did a hell of a job keeping the pain at bay." I turn and face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me lightly and I smile.

"I guess I did, didn't I?" He says cheekily and I chuckle.

"We should go check in with the others, let them know we're alive."

Nathaniel runs his hand through his damp hair. "Yeah, I guess we should."

- - -

As Nate and I come into the main foyer of the packhouse, I spot Kane talking to Tobias and Genevieve lingering with them. They catch glimpse of me and Evie runs over, engulfing me in a big, tight hug. "Oh my god. There you two are! I was getting worried."

"We're good, Evie." Nate says just before kissing the top of my head. I look up at him and he smiles. "I must check in with Tobias. Are you okay here for a while?" I nod and Evie grabs my hand. "Yes, she will be fine Alpha! See you later!" Evie makes a little scooting motion with her hands and Nate laughs before he turns and heads in the direction of his office, Tobias falling behind him moments later.

Evie pulls me out the front door and we start to walk.

"So...." Evie says with a smirk, and I scoff.

"What you're wanting details?" She nods excessively and I laugh. "Not sure if your ears could handle it." She slaps my arm playfully. "Yeah okay, I'm not some miss prude over here. Tell me!!"

I start to tell her all the dirty details as we keep walking closer to the border of Crystal Moon's packlands, but I notice a large group of people near the gates. I glance over and clearly people catch sight of me and all I hear are screams and commotion.

"What the?" I continue to look and go to walk closer, but I hear Nate's booming voice behind me. "Ivy!"

I don't get to turn around to even see him, because all I see is jet black fur that comes and stands in front of me, blocking me from prying eyes. I gasp as I realize it's Kiba, Nate's wolf.

It's the first time I've seen him, and my lord. He is gigantic!

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn my head to see that it's Tobias.

"What's going on?" I ask and Tobias sighs.

"Someone let it out that you're Nate's mate before it was officially announced. Nate was worried when he saw the crowd at the gate. Kiba's trying to block the view of you since it's a big frenzy and he wants to make sure you're safe."

"Thank you Kiba." I say softly and I get a small huff in return.

"If someone got a picture of you...." Evie trails off and I gasp.

She continues, "It'll be all over every single piece of media." I clench my fists tightly and I feel my body start to shake.

"Cole is going to know I'm alive."


- shorter filler chapter, moving on with some plot items in these next few chapters so stay tuned!!!

- See you in the next one!! - vv

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