"...No. I'm not going," she says, turning to face Ra. Oliver sputters in surprise, but Ra just chuckles.

"I assumed as much." He turns to them, silhouetted against the sun. "You want to go with them?"

"I have to," Emelia says. "They're going to need me."

"Yes, they will," Ra says before she can continue. He snickers, kneeling down and placing a hand on Emelia and Oliver's shoulders. "I had hoped to speak to the two of you before I left. That's why I asked for you two to be the ones to see me out," he explains quietly. "There is one more thing you should know about the Jade Emperor." Oliver shivers, his stomach sinking into his abdomen. Emelia raises an eyebrow quizzically.

"Why couldn't you say it in front of the others?"

"Because young Melody has enough on her mind as it is. I'm sure you're going to tell her as soon as you set off, so let's not add to her worries before we have to." Ra says smoothly. "And I think the information will benefit you two the most." His eyes linger on Oliver for far too long for his comfort, and he finds himself groping for his keychain again.

"I guess that makes sense. What is it, then?" Emelia says. Ra pats Oliver's shoulder one more time before standing up.

"As I said, I was one of the Gods of Old a long time ago. But I decided to give up the claim to my Primordial Title so I may guide the world more directly," he explains. "But I was not the only one to make that choice." Oliver blinks at him in confusion, and Emelia gasps.

"You mean - the Jade Emperor was one of the Gods of Old, too?" She says, eyes wide.

"Yes. Technically, the Jade Emperor is my divine brother," Ra says. "But at the time, he believed that accepting his Primordial Title was unnatural. That as beings meant to embody the primordial forces of existence, we should not be above that which we created." He pauses to let his words sink in before continuing. "However, I'm given to understand that he has since come to regret that decision." Oliver blinks at him again, trying to wrap his mind around the new information. Emelia, however, pinches her chin in thought.

"So that's why he was so upset about the first treaty. He was forced into it by his 'siblings' and couldn't do anything about it anymore," she guesses.

"That's a part of it," Ra says with a nod. Oliver swallows the lump in his throat, rolling his tongue in his mouth when he realizes how dry it's gone.

"B-but why are you telling us this?" He croaks. "How will it help?" Ra chuckles, again watching Oliver for far too long.

"Well for one, to show you what regret can do to a person. I made the same choice as him, but I have no lingering regrets about it. Because I know that what I did was the right thing to do," he says, each word sounding like a jab at Oliver's gut. He's nearly doubled over himself by the time Ra continues to his next point. "And second, to show you that, as stubborn as he is, the Jade Emperor is capable of change. He believed that accepting his Primordial Title was against the Tao, but now he thinks otherwise. So, as difficult as it will be, I'm sure you can get through to him. You just need to figure out how."

"We just need him to regret going against the treaty?" Emelia guesses. Pausing, she hums to herself, her eyes glazing over with thought. "Or...maybe we just need to prove that what we're doing aligns with his beliefs."

"I'm afraid you'll have to figure that out for yourselves," Ra says, taking a step back. He walks backwards off the patio, rolling his shoulders experimentally. "I'm sure between the four of you, you'll be able to figure it out." Oliver snaps back into the conversation, his back straightening.

Pantheon Book 2: The Way of the TaoWhere stories live. Discover now