chapter 1

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Aaliyah's Pov.

Dear Diary,

so this is how it goes. We loose people, we griev, we stay strong and we forget. not only have I lost Grams, but my actual cousin. My best friends, my actual soul mates Bonnie and Damon. Everyone seems to griev in a different way. Jeremy got back to his typical drugs, Caroline tries to avoid everything, Stefan left town without even saying goodbye, ugh should I carry on? and then there's me sitting outside on a bench, at the Whitmore, boho. I am pretty sure Bonnie and Damon are not dead. I don't know, I just have that feeling. Stefan was suppossed to inform Alaric as soon as he finds a lead, but I think that it leads to nothing. Besides that, he left, so I, nor the others need his help. We can get through this without him. I've been practicing my magic now for quite a while. If there is a way to get them back, I have to try everything that is possible. I will even try the impossible just to get them back. I am not giving up.

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