Chapter 1-14

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It was true, children could be difficult and stubborn at times but that was only a sign of their strength and independence. Stubbornness had its benefits, it taught you to stand up for yourself when faced with challenges or adversity.

As frustrating as the situation could be, there were important skills being developed. By standing firm against something outside your control you learned how different areas fit together within society—what was expected from them. It allowed you not just to question 'the norm', but also understand why particular rules existed, who set them and where they should apply.

You, (Y/N) (L/N), were a stubborn witch.

"Do you want to play with me?"




You were stubborn because you weren't giving up on trying to find someone to play with. You drifted from one kid to another, asking the ones that were old enough to play Simon Says on this hot summer day.

"Hi!" You greeted, your enthusiasm unfaltering as you walked up to a boy. "Wanna play Simon Says with me?"

The boy just stared at you, then meekly shook his head and began climbing up the ladder of the playground. You watched him, asking, "you sure?"

The orphan shook his head again, so you set off in search of someone else that might play with you. Disappointment burned in your chest, working up its way to your throat. Why did no one want to play with you? It was the same answer every day!

"Why don't any of you want to play?" You murmured forlornly but nobody answered. Instead, most of them started avoiding your gaze and shying away from you as if your requests were somehow tainted. Others whispered behind cupped hands or giggled nervously with a hint of fear in their eyes.

It felt strange. They felt strange. Ever since going to Hogwarts, they were all suddenly treating you like an outcast. It was like everyone had turned against you. The kids avoided you like the plague. What had changed? It made you feel alone.

Tom was always lurking nearby whenever this happened, watching silently from afar like an ominous shadow cast by the sun overhead. He was pleased with his handiwork. Like a puppet master working his strings from the shadows, he had been manipulating the whole thing for months. On one side there was the orphans themselves who he slowly turned against you behind your back. This was fairly easy to do. Tom simply used his charms to plant seeds of doubt in their impressionable minds about your character and if that somehow failed to do the trick, there was always plan B.

And plan B was so much more enjoyable.

Whenever you were involved with one brave child that, despite the rumours, still wanted to give you a chance, something... Unfortunate would happen. Like, say, the slide would suddenly disappear the second you pushed them off of it, or a puzzle piece would catch on fire in their hand. It didn't take long at all before they all believed that you were bad to be around.

Through careful planning, he managed to drive a wedge between you and the rest. His intentions were darker still; Tom wanted you to experience the same loneliness and despair that he himself had grown accustomed to. It was because of all of this that you began to doubt yourself and lost all confidence in who you were meant to be in the orphanage.

"Why not? It'll be so much fun!" You were begging desperately, hoping someone was going to change their mind and join in.

But no.

"I'm busy," another child curtly responded while others simply carried on playing or reading books instead of engaging with you further.

Tears pricked at your eyes as rejection set in deep inside your heart.

Hogwarts: a school of Witchcraft and Love (Tom Marvolo Riddle x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now