Chapter 0-04

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There was but only one thought in your mind as you sluggishly trudged your way up the stairs. Your unexpected struggle with the door to your room was tackled with an air of resignation. Only the sight of your bed gave you a burst of energy, enough for you to stumble and land ungracefully onto the mattress.

London's Wool's orphanage certainly didn't have the most luxurious beds that were out there, but right then, the futon felt nothing short of heavenly. Your feet were the first to feel relief when you unlaced your size 5 shoes and set them to the side, after which you rolled over onto your back, your legs and arms spread wide open like you suddenly had the greatest wish to become a star fish.

You just came back from exploring Diagon Alley for several long hours, so now all your body was craving for was sweet rest. You were no longer hungry because Mrs. Cole treated you and Tom to an ice cream after you hopped into her car.

Even Tom, who usually had zero problems hiding his desires from the world, could not resist a scoop of icey chocolate goodness. You could still see his inner-child come out when he shoved a spoonful in. It was great.

You had left your trolley somewhere downstairs during your journey from the front door to your room, having greeted many of the younger curious kids along the way.

Some were too young to understand that you weren't a regular human being like them, and most of the ones that did know didn't treat you any differently. You treated others how you wanted to be treated, and so, most of the children here liked you.

You didn't understand why Tom was no fan of Mrs. Cole, but then again, he wasn't really a fan of anybody. It had always been like that for as long as you could remember.

You couldn't remember anything other than life in the orphanage. You couldn't even remember what your parents' faces looked like or what their voices sounded like.

Mrs. Cole was of no help there because you asked her about them several times, and all she was able to tell you was that one day, she found you as a baby in a crib on the orphanage's doorsteps.

Your tired eyes easily slid close as your body curled instinctively, your face buried in the single flat pillow. A thought suggested you should ask the matron if she could bathe you before taking a nap. But, the pull of blissful oblivion was too strong and those thoughts were quickly ignored and forgotten.

Your sleepy self didn't know how long you drifted in the realm of in-between, almost in deep sleep but yet still aware of the sounds of the world. The sound of someone walking in felt indistinguishable from dream and reality, so you let it be. Your eyes remained closed even when there came more noises of metals clanking against each other and then... Hooting?

Only then did you crack your eyes open sleepily, peeking to the left where you could see a blur of whites and browns and black. Your mind registered vaguely that that couldn't be anyone other than your friend, and when you blinked yourself to near full-awakeness, you were proven correct.

Everything you bought now stood in your room. Your trolley, stacked upon which were other necessities such as books, a cauldron, and most noteably, your own personal owl.

You heard him breathe a sigh, one he probably didn't intend for it to be heard but you caught it anyway. "Tom?" Tom turned around at your exhaustion-riddled voice, expression not giving away the tiredness his sigh betrayed.

Your gaze searched the huge stack of items he had single-handedly brought to you without you needing to ask him, and then him. He was still dressed in the set of identical black robes you were each required to buy, but you had already taken them off in the car.

"Don't thank me," he brushed your gratefulness off. "They stood in the way."

You gave him a deadpan look and resisted the urge to scowl at him. Of course he had to ruin what otherwise would have seemed like a too kind of a gesture.

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