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Queen Aylee walked in the garden in her palace in the newly restored Magical World. She and Thanatos and Void had worked tirelessly to restore the world and remove all the bodies of the demons. Now, she could finally rest in peace.

Void had found a mate, a beautiful dragon whom Thanatos had imprinted with, a large sapphire dragon called Aqua. Now, they had three eggs that were going to hatch in a few days. Aylee was proud of her dragon, and happy that along with new dragons, they achieved joint bonding, meaning Aylee, Aqua, Void, and Thanatos could talk to each other using their minds anytime.

"It's so wonderful Thanatos," Aylee said to her husband, as she watched Void and Aqua flying together, in sync, with their dragon friends. In the distance, mermaids, beautiful ones, jumped from lake to lake, and in the Forest of Emeralds, adorable creatures chittered.

"I know right," Thanatos said. Aylee rested her head on his furred shoulder, his long black cape curling around her blue one.

Above, fairies darted in and out, tagging each other and laughing, their sparkling magic dotting the ground, making it shine. Aylee's eyes were glowing with happiness, and tears sprung into them.

"Are you alright?" Thanatos asked.

"Yes," Aylee said, wiping a tear, "It's just been so long since I saw this."

Thanatos smiled, "We can't remove the Demon King's reign from this world, but we can start a new, better one."

"I'd like that," Aylee said.

Thanatos smiled, "We can make a better future for our people."

"And creatures," Aylee said, mock-punching him, "Don't forget that."

"Yes," Thanatos said, "I'm glad we got them back. They really make this world light up."

"Especially the dragons," Aylee said.

Aylee and Thanatos had established Void and Aqua as the King and Queen of the dragons, although Aylee and Thanatos were the ultimate rulers of course. With that leadership, Void and Aqua now could talk to the other dragons at will, anytime, anywhere. Aylee and Thanatos were very glad that Void now had a bigger, brighter, happier family.

"You are always still my family," Void rumbled in Aylee's head.

Aylee smiled, "So are you. And you too, Aqua."

The beautiful blue dragon rumbled in her head, "As are you, my Queen."

Aylee laughed, "Don't call me that. We are family, equals."

Aqua replied, warmth accompanying her thoughts, "Without you, however, Aylee, I would never have been here, never met Thanatos or Void. I thank you wholeheartedly."

As the new king and queen watched their dragons and citizens, a shadow was stalking them.

"One day, Thanatos," the shadow muttered, "Aylee will be mine, and you will be hated by your own wife." 

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