Chapter 5

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"The Mafia women," Thanatos whispered in horror.

The women were fierce, with dark black hair that was spattered with blood, their eyes gleaming white, their lips blood red. They all wore black warrior armor, with gleaming red swords hanging from their sides.

"It's true," Aylee whispered, "They do have fire swords."

"What are you doing here?" a tall mafia said. She looked like the boss.

"Why are you here?" a young-looking mafia with long sharp nails growled.

"We......we....." Thanatos stuttered.

"What are you doing in the Forest of Bones?" the tall mafia hissed. She flicked a hand, and the mafia women surrounded the two of them.

"You are not welcome here," the young mafia said.

"We should kill you now!" a short-haired mafia hissed.

"Tell us why you are here, and I may consider not killing you," the tall mafia hissed.

"" Thanatos stuttered.

"Speak!" the tall mafia said.

"We require some materials," Aylee said bravely. 

"Materials?" the mafia boss said.

"Yes," Thanatos said, "Do you know the Demon King?"

"Yes," the mafia boss said, "He allowed us to live here."

"That still does not explain what you are doing here," a short yet bulky mafia hissed, "Leader Francesca, we should kill them now!"

"No, Carlotta," the mafia boss, Lady Francesca, said, "Even though we are the Mafia, we are still supposed to be fair. We will hear out what these youngsters say."

Carlotta grunted. The young mafia stepped forwards.

"L-L-Lady Francesca," she said, "I would like to speak."

"Yes, Bianca?" Lady Francesca asked.

"I believe the Demon King is searching for two youngsters," Bianca said.

"Where did you hear this from?" Lady Francesca asked.

"A demon who was passing through the Forest told me," Bianca said.

"We cannot determine if the children are these two," Lady Francesca said.

"Look, um, Mafia woman," Thanatos said, "I know the Demon King is probably like your master or whatever, but we really need some materials for the....weapon."

"What weapon?" Lady Francesca asked, her hand drifting to her sword.

"Um..." Thanatos said.

"Lady Francesca, I believe they are talking about the legendary Fireblade?" the short-haired mafia said.

"Perhaps, Teresa," Lady Francesca said, glaring at Aylee and Thanatos.

"Void!" Aylee called.

"What is it?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm not too far from the Forest of Bones, about a five minute flight. Why?"

"We are surrounded by Mafia."

"Do I need to come rescue you?"

"No, but can you come over, but not make an appearance?"

"Oh, so in case they attack?"


"Alright, young Aylee, I will be over in a few minutes."

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