Chapter 9

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"G-g-g-g-g-ghost," Aylee whimpered.

"It's alright, it's okay," Thanatos whispered, "It's fine, you're alright. I'm here."

The ghost was of a man with tangled brown hair and a transparent face. His eyes were sunken, his lips cracked and peeled.

"Is this the ghost of King Night?" Aylee asked. 

"Yes, I believe so," Thanatos said.

The ghost opened his mouth, and whispered, "Who are you?"

"Sir, are you King Night?" Thanatos asked.

"Yes," the ghost whispered, "Why do you seek me?"

"We've come to ask for your wisdom and assistance," Thanatos said, "I'm Thanatos, and this is Aylee, your great-great-great granddaughter."

"Great-great-great granddaughter?" King Night whispered, floating towards Aylee. He studied her peculiarly, "Yes, I do see some of my wife's features in you, very little, but distinguishable."

"Why do you roam here?" Aylee blurted, "Why aren't you with the Great One?"

"Because my soul grieved so much after Amethyst's death," King Night said, "I became an entity, only allowed to experience pain, because I lost my wife. I can only join her in the other world when this land turns back."

"What do you mean?" Aylee asked.

King Night sighed, "Since my body was destroyed during the Fireland time, and because my soul got so much pain inflicted by the Demon One, I was cursed to live here, until it turned back to the Magical World."

"Oh," Aylee said, her eyes bright, "I'm sorry."

"Now," King Night said, "Back to your point, what do you seek?"

"Have you heard of the Fireblade?" Thanatos asked.

King Night's eyes widened, "Are you seeking to build it?"

Aylee and Thanatos nodded.

King Night's body dropped through the air, "Children, the Fireblade is impossible to craft, it is just a tale!"

Aylee shook her head, "No, it isn't. I have 2/3 of the materials."

She fished out the Bone Necklace, the Blood Pearls, and the bottle of blood. King Night's eyes widened.

"The Mafia and the Blood Princesses gave it to you?" Night asked.

"No, we won it, fair and square," Thanatos said, "What is the last item we need?"

"I know where it is," Night whispered, "But the owner will never let me have it."

"But you are the Great One's husband," Aylee said.

"It doesn't make a difference." Night said, "Because the owner of the item, is the Black One."

Thanatos's mouth twitched.

"What's the Black One? Who is he?" Aylee asked.

"He challenged the Great One to leadership many many times, each time being defeated by my wife," Night explained, "So he developed a great grudge for me and Amethyst."

Aylee shuddered, "He sounds terrifying."

"That's not all," Night said, "Ever since the Great One defeated him the last time, he got so mad, he swore revenge."

"What is the Black One's name?" Thanatos asked. Aylee looked at him. He'd gone so pale.

"Amon," Night said.

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