Chapter 11

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Aylee and Thanatos exited the magical cave, and met up in the center cavern with King Night.

"So," the King said, "You accomplished it?"

Aylee nodded and showed him the Fireblade. King Night's eyes gleamed.

"Well done, children," the King said, "I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, King Night," Aylee said.

King Night smiled, then, slowly sank into the ground. Aylee followed Thanatos out of the cave, and when they stepped into the bright sunlight, Aylee shielded her eyes as the light of the sun hit her eyes.

"Void?" she asked.

"I'm here, Aylee," her dragon replied.

"We finished the sword," Aylee said, "Please come to take us."

"I am on my way," Void said.

Aylee turned to Thanatos, "What's the plan?"

"I honestly don't know," Thanatos said, "What is the plan?'

Aylee paced the outside of the cave, "The main goal for this quest was to find the Demon King and fight him with the Fireblade. But in order to do that...."

"We need to find his palace first," Thanatos said.

"Right," Aylee said, "Do you know where it is?"

"No, I don't," Thanatos admitted, "The only creatures who know where the palace is are the demons, Lady Francesca, and the Blood Princesses."

"Then this should be a challenge," Aylee said.

A gust of wind announced Void's arrival as he landed with a  thump in front of them.

"My rider, I see you've succeeded," Void thrummed.

"Yes, I have," Aylee said, running her hands along the smooth blade of the weapon.

"Congratulations," Void said, "But now we must find the Demon Palace. That should be easy, because I've heard rumors that the Demon King knows you are here, and is sending patrols to find you."

"Great," Aylee said, "If they find me, I'll just challenge the King."

"Is there a way you can shrink the Fireblade so that they can't take it away from you?" Void asked.

"I can try," Aylee replied.

Aylee closed her eyes, and summoned the swirl of magic that she'd felt occasionally. She pushed the feeling through her hands, and with a pop!, the Fireblade shrank to the size of a necklace. She clasped it around her neck, feeling the warmth of the Fireblade-pendant around her neck.

"There," Aylee said with satisfaction.

"We should get going," Thanatos said, "If we want to speed this up, we'd better start."

Aylee nodded, and climbed up to Void's back, Thanatos following close behind.

"Wait," Aylee said, "How can we fly if we don't know where to go?"

Thanatos considered the answer, "Just fly around, we'll find it eventually."

Aylee rolled her eyes, "Void will get super tired!"

"Will not!" Void huffed.

Aylee sighed, "Fineeeee."

Void unfurled his massive wings, and shot into the sky. Aylee loved the exhilaration that shot through her veins as she felt the wind graze her shoulder. She let out a whoop of joy as Void glided through the sky, his steady wingbeats sending up clouds of wind. 

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