Chapter 8

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"The last stop," Aylee breathed, turning over the Blood Pearls in her hand, "The last stop."

"One more destination," Thanatos breathed, "The Cave of Souls."

"What is the Cave of Souls?" Aylee asked.

"The Cave of Souls is a horrid place," Thanatos shuddered, "They say the soul of King Night roams the cavern with his ghostly army."

"The soul of King Night?" Aylee asked, "Who is that?"

"The husband of the Great One," Thanatos said.

"My great-great-great grandfather?" Aylee asked.

"Yes," Thanatos said.

"Strange," Aylee said, "I've never heard of him."

"That's because he died a few years after the Great One died," Thanatos said, "Rumors say that it was because he was so desperate and filled with grief."

"Hold up," Aylee said, "Now that I know so much, I have a question."

"What is it?" Thanatos asked.

"Why didn't the Great One's children just bond together to overthrow the Demon One?" Aylee asked.

"That is a very good question, and one that I had myself when I was younger, actually," Thanatos said, "I think it's because they were so shocked that the Demon One killed their mother, and stunned that someone overpowered her, that they didn't have the strength and the ability to kill him."

"How many children did they have?" Aylee asked.

"They had three children, two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren, and one great-great-great grandchild, you," Thanatos said, "I think your mother was the Great One's great-great grandchild."

"Yes, I think so too," Aylee said, "She had a brother."

"Yes," Thanatos said, "The Great One and her husband had two boys and a girl, and a boy and a girl as grandchildren, three boys as great-grandchildren, a girl and a boy as great-great-grandchildren, and you."

Aylee smiled, "You seem to know a lot about my family history."

"I wanted to learn everything about the Great One," Thanatos said.

"Wait," Aylee said, "I remembered from our previous journeys that all the monsters living there cleared off all humans and magical creatures. How did you survive?"

"Well," Thanatos murmured, "My....father and mother hid me away for eighteen years until they died. Then, I ventured out and lived in the Obsidian Palace, where I met you."

"Didn't the demons ever find you?" Aylee asked.

"They got close to a few times," Thanatos said, "But we were so well-hidden it was hard to find us."

"Oh," Aylee said, "I never knew that."

Thanatos nodded grimly. 

"Precious, we are almost here,"  Void murmured. 

"Alright, thank you so much, Void,"  Aylee said.

"For you, I would fly to the ends of the Earth,"  Void said, rumbling comfortingly in her mind.

A wave of warmth rushed through Aylee as she rubbed her dragon's beautiful neck. Void purred in warmth, like a cat, but much more dragon-like. Thanatos smiled gently at her as she scratched Void's neck. 

"You know, Aylee,"  Void said, "Before you came into my life, I was a sad, lonely, depressed dragon. My friends had died, my family gone, I had no one. Then, when I saw you, desperate to find your true meaning, that rush of feeling came in, and we bonded. It is a pleasure that you are my rider."

Aylee's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her dragon's scaly neck. The wind buffeted her, but her heart was warm and the warmth of her heart blocked off the cold. 

"Aylee," Thanatos murmured, taking her hand, "We are almost there."

Aylee looked ahead. Sure enough, in the distance, a tall cluster of caves rose tall and menacing. Aylee steeled herself, drawing strength from her dragon's love. 

"Alright," she said, as the Cave of Souls drew closer, "I'm ready."

"Void, touch us down there,"  she instructed the handsome black dragon, pointing a little way off the Cave of Souls.

"Good luck, my precious rider,"  Void said, "I don't want to lose you."

Aylee smiled affectionally and rubbed the black dragon's snout. Void descended a little way off the Cave of Souls, and Aylee and Thanatos jumped nimbly down.

"I'll be in the sky, watching for danger,"  Void said, "Please be safe."

Aylee flung her arms around her dragon's scaly hide, and buried her face in his warm wings as he wrapped them around her.

"When I get this place back to its original,"  Aylee swore, "You will be honored."

"You have big dreams, my beloved rider,"  Void said, "Best of luck."

Aylee scratched Void's eyelid, and grabbed the bag holding all their materials. Void snuffled, then shot into the air, his powerful wings beating up storms as he flew. 

Aylee watched her dragon get farther, and farther away, until he was just a speck in the lightening sky. 

Aylee gripped Thanatos's hand, and together, they trekked cautiously in.

Inside, the cave was scary. There was no light, the walls were packed tightly, and creepy sounds drifted through passageways. Aylee held Thanatos's hand in a death grip as he led the way deeper into the cave.

"Do you know where to go?" Aylee whimpered.

"I think I do," Thanatos said, "When I was younger, my mother had a 3D map of the Cave, and she gave it to me. I spent hours of every day memorizing the caves and where they led too."

"But this is in real life," Aylee said, "And it's so dark."

"Use your fingers to trace the walls," Thanatos said, "The feeling of it should be able to guide you."

Aylee tentatively reached out with her hands, and brushed the wall. The stony, yet slimy feeling gave her the creeps, and she yanked her hand back.

"It's alright," Thanatos whispered, "I can lead the way, if you want."

Aylee appreciated his efforts, so she nodded. Thanatos brushed out a light hand, and traced the walls' patterns. He gave a sharp turn, and Aylee followed. Together, they headed deeper and deeper into the cave, until they stopped at a large opening.

"What is this?" Aylee asked.

"This, my beloved friend, is the main cavern of the Cave of Souls, where King Night was buried," Thanatos said.

Aylee stared at Thanatos, looking deep into his beautiful eyes. She admired his strength, and his will to protect. 

"Trust me," he whispered, "I can lead you safely."

And Aylee did. She gripped his hand as he walked over to the dais, and placed a hand on the stone rock that was in the center.

"Oh, Great One's husband, Father of The Magical World, King Night, please show yourself to your great-great-great granddaughter Aylee and I, Thanatos. We pray that you can lend us strength and wisdom today," Thanatos said, his loud voice echoing through the cave. 

A sudden moaning came from beneath the floor. Aylee's eyes widened in horror, and fear, so Thanatos pulled her into his arms for safety. Aylee felt the strong confidence radiating from Thanatos, and she slowly relaxed. 

But then, her fear was back. Slowly rising from the ground, scarier than the Mafia Women, was a ghost.  

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