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"Your Majesty."

"Greetings, Apex."

"Your Majesty, when do we launch the attacks?"

"Soon, Apex."

"Your Majesty, time is running out. I heard the prophecy once again from the seer."

"What prophecy?"

"A girl born from the ashes of the fire, shall unseat the king of demons, once she comes of age. She shall travel the Earth, and find the Sword. She shall meet the king in a fiery battle, and defeat him, as time comes to an end."

"When was this prophecy written?"

"Just this morning, Your Majesty."


"Yes, Your Honor."

"Who spoke this?"

"The seer sir."

"Which seer?"

"The female one."

"We have two female ones, Apex."

"My apologies, sir. I meant the new one."

"Bring her in."

"Yes Your Highness."

A young female with fiery red hair was thrown at the feet of a large obsidian throne.

"What is your name?"

The female shivered, "A-A-Agate."

"Recite me this prophecy."



"A girl born from the fiery ashes, great-great-great granddaughter of the Great One, shall unseat a demon king. She will come of age in three months, and travel the world in search of three objects. She shall meet the demon in a fiery battle, and defeat him, as time comes to an end."

"Tell me, Agate, will time really end?"

"T-the s-s-signs are n-n-n-n-not c-c-clear," the female said, "B-b-b-b-but a-a-a-according to m-m-my knowledge, i-i-i-it is a m-m-m-metaphor."

"So time won't end?"

"I...I don't know," she said.

"Who is this girl? Where can I find her?"

"I....I don't know that," Agate said. 


"I...I cannot predict everything," Agate said, shivering from the cold black floor that she knelt on. She could not see who was sitting atop the obsidian throne, but she could guess who it was.

"I know you know," the voice atop the throne said, "I will give you one week to decide whether or not you are to tell me. If that week is up, and you do not tell me, say goodbye to your life."

"M-m-my life is not important," Agate said, trying to be brave.

"Then we shall see about your daughter's," the voice said.

"No! Not my daughter!" Agate pleaded.

A cold wind blew through her heart. If her daughter, who had experienced so much torture from this voice's hands, died by this monster's hands, she would never be happy again.

"Then give me the girl, tell me where she lives."

"I......I......" Agate said.

"One week, or else your daughter dies."

"I.....alright, one week," Agate said, "I will consider."

"Good," the voice said, "Apex, take her away."

"Yes, sir," Apex said, and dragged the young woman away.

A demon with medium-sized black wings stepped towards the throne and bowed his head, "Oh great Lord, are you sure we will have a chance to stop this?"

"I am not sure, Blackout," the voice admitted, "But I am certain if we keep threatening the puny seer's daughter, we will have a chance of defeating this girl."

Blackout bowed, "I am sure Your Highness has full capability of defeating the girl."

"We'll see, Blackout, we'll see......"

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