Chapter 4

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"How far are we from the Forest of Bones?" Aylee asked.

"About another day's flight away," Void said.

Aylee turned to Thanatos, "Can you tell me about the Forest of Bones?"

"Sure," Thanatos said, "So as I said this morning, the Forest of Bones was previously known as the Forest of Emeralds. The trees were made of Amber bark and emerald leaves, with enough space for the sun to shine through. The lakes of blue opal. The grass of jade blades. It was a beautiful sight to anyone who walked in. Fairies flitted from tree to tree, where the fairy houses were tucked between the amber branches. Animals from sloths to tigers to griffins flocked in the forest, greeting every visitor who came to the Forest.

"The Great One's first creation was this place, because it brought many animals and fairies homes and she wanted to quickly make this world a perfect place. The minute the Forest of Emeralds were out, it soon became full of life. Fairies, animals, even humans lived there. They were careful to take care of the environment, cutting down only the trees that were becoming dimmer and dimmer. The people of the Forest, known as the Emerald Villagers, became famous for their ability to make the dim gems of the trees into beautiful creations such as mirrors, picture frames, art, and best of all, food."

"Food?!" Aylee asked.

"Yes," Thanatos said, "The very rich, especially the Great One and her daughters and granddaughters, ate food that was literally made from gems. Gem apples made from pale emeralds, gem water made from crushed sapphires, gem meat made from cooked rubies, gem macaroni and cheese created from  melted clarity and sprinkled amber, gem j-"

"Okay okay I get it!" Aylee said laughing, "I get it I get it!"

Thanatos smiled and they continued walking in silence. The deeper they walked, the scarier the forest seemed. Aylee felt goosebumps

Void's steady wingbeats rocked Aylee to sleep. When she awoke, she saw a distance grove of dark boney trees.

"We're almost there," Thanatos said.

"I know," Aylee said, smiling at him, "I can see."

Thanatos smiled and linked his arm in hers.

"Young friendship is so good for you,"  Void rumbled in her head.

"Hahaha,"  Aylee said, scratching her dragon's hide. Void grunted in bliss.

Soon, Void was zooming over a patch of dark trees. 

"Void, land there," Aylee said, pointing towards a clear spot in the trees.

"This place gives me the creeps,"  Void said, shuddering.

"This is the Forest of Bones," Aylee said, "I think it's meant to be this way."

Void grunted, then tucked in his wings and dove down, his talons crunching as he landed in dead leaves. Thanatos hopped off, then caught Aylee as she jumped. He helped her stand, and she scratched Void's hide.

"Go,"  she said, "If we need you, I'll call for you."

"Good luck, my precious rider,"  Void said, "I will be ready."

Void spiraled off and Thanatos led Aylee deeper into the forest. Aylee started getting more and more nervous the more they walked into the forest. The trees were made of rotting bones that gave off a horrible smell, and the leaves were made of blood-red paper. The whole forest radiated gloom and death. The two of them cautiously made their way deeper and deeper into the forest. 

"I don't like this place," Aylee said. 

"What do we need to collect here?" Thanatos asked.

"I honestly don't know," Aylee said, "I think we will find out when we meet the people. Speaking of that, who inhabits this place?"

"The..the Mafia women," Thanatos shuddered, "They are a horrendous bunch, oh yes they are."

"The...Mafia women?" Aylee asked, "What's that?"

"They came here shortly after the Demon One killed the Great One," Thanatos explained, "They are a vicious type, yes they are. They supposedly have swords made from fire, and they are mafia."

"Um, what's mafia?" Aylee asked.

Thanatos looked shocked, "You don't know what mafia is?" 

Aylee shook her head.

"Mafia is like a gang who kills people and sells drugs," Thanatos said, "But the Mafia Women are different. They don't exactly kill people, but they take prisoners to torture them."

"Torture?" Aylee whispered.

"Different torture methods," Thanatos said, "Whips, swords, you name it. People die there. I..."

"Listen," Aylee said firmly, "We can do this. Have faith in yourself. We can do this. We can save the world. We can rescue everyone."

"Why do you have so much faith?" Thanatos asked.

Aylee sighed, "Well, actually, my mother disappeared when I was five. She.........she really loved these tales and......and.....she really had a passion for this. And then, one day, she was like, like.....she was out with me, we were gathering flowers, then suddenly, she stepped through something...and....and disappeared!"

"Disappeared?" Thanatos said.

"I have a suspicion my mother is in this world," Aylee said, "I hope that if I defeat the Demon King, I can find her again."

"Well, in that case," Thanatos said, "We'd better get moving."

The two of them held hands as they trekked through the gloomy forest. Aylee noticed something written on one of the trees. She cautiously walked over, pulling Thanatos along. 

"Thanatos, there is writing on the tree," she said, pointing.

Thanatos traced his hands over the words. Aylee stepped beside him, and read the words.

"The Demon King stands, strong and wise. The Great One falls, beneath rubble and death. The Demon King rises, to inflict fear to this land. Never again, shall Fireland see the light of the sky..."

"That is so weird," Aylee said.

"But look at the font this thing was written in," Thanatos said, "Look at the things beside the words."

Aylee looked closer. The words seemed to be written, in blood. The area surrounding it gleamed darkish white.

"Bones," Aylee whispered. 

As they looked around, they noticed that almost all the trees were bones.

"I guess this is why it's called the Forest of Bones," Thanatos said with a nervous laugh.

Aylee shuddered, "This is not good. I don't like the feeling I have in my bones."

The feeling in Aylee's bones made her feel like her bones were going to rip apart.

Suddenly, the ground shuddered, making Thanatos and Aylee spin around. Six women rose from the ground, as terrifying, as the scariest monster.

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