and this... is our cousins [ various members! - limited life/highschool au ]

Start from the beginning

Scott glanced at Bdubs. "Something was strange though."


"They were talking about setting dumpsters on fire, but before that... They said something about seeing their relatives today." Scott looked at Scar and Bdubs. "They mentioned you two specifically."

The brothers' eyes both widened comically wide.

"What?!" Bdubs shouted at the same time as Scar exclaimed, "They know who I am?!"

Scott smiled, amused. "I was going to ask you guys about it. Since you've mentioned something about cousins before."

Scar frowned. "I don't remember having any cousins."

Bdubs nodded. "We don't really have any relatives visiting us, other than our father." His eyebrows furrowed together, deep in thoughts. "But there are these relatives... they only visit once a year though... And this year was an exception."

"What was the exception?" Martyn asked.

"Uh, I don't remember." Bdubs frowned, trying to think. There was something mentioned about family issues, the bread bakery closing down, and school. Wait, school? Suddenly, Bdubs sat up straight. Dread coursed through his veins. "Oh no."

"What? What's wrong?" the other three chorused.

Before Bdubs could explain, a loud shout echoed from the cafeteria's entrance.


Almost immediately, before he could turn around, Bdubs was smothered in a triple hug attack, three bodies piling on top of him. He yelped, suddenly being surrounded by... black leather jackets? Finally able to squirm free, Bdubs stared at the three boys who joined them. "Grian, Jimmy... Joel?! What- What are you guys doing here?!"

Grian grinned his signature wicked, cheeky grin. "Don't ya remember?" he dragged him into a side hug, or more like a strange side choke-hold. "Family's bakery went out of business, finance issues, adult problems, blah blah blah."

"So we're going to stay with you guys! And we've gotta go to school here too!" Jimmy finished, jumping up and down excitedly.

Bdubs stared at Joel. "And why are you here?"

Joel shrugged. "I'd get bored without those two, so I followed them here. My parents don't really care."

There was a cough. "Um, excuse me?" It was Martyn. "Yeah, hi. Sorry to interrupt the family reunion here, but can somebody please explain and introduce themselves?"

Bdubs cleared his throat. "Well, Grian and Jimmy are our cousins. They're brothers, if you couldn't already put that together," he added before pointing towards Joel. "And he's just their really close friend who everyone thinks is their brother, but isn't."

"Wait, wait... So, biologically, you're not cousins with Bdubs and Scar?" Scott asked, gesturing towards Joel.

"Not technically. But here's my very legal document that prove our relation," Joel responded, handing Scott a slip of paper.

Scott frowned after scanning it. "This... just says you can do whatever you want."

Joel smirked. "Exactly." He snatched it out of the other's hand, tucking it away safely. "Very useful and very versatile for any and every situation. Like now," he winked.

Bdubs sighed. "Any more questions?"

"Uh, yes!" Martyn waved. "Hi there! First of all, what's with the leather jackets?" 

Each member of the trio was wearing a matching black leather jacket in some shape or form. Jimmy's jacket was perfectly fitted, while Grian's was a touch baggier. And Joel simply wore a black leather vest, which seem ripped by the seams.

Jimmy puffed out his chest. "Isn't it cool?"

"No, it makes you three look like some washed up boy-band from the past."

"Oh." Jimmy's previous elation had deflated.

Grian snorted. "I told you," he whispered in Jimmy's ear. The taller blonde swatted him away.

"Second of all, the sunglasses?" Martyn gestured to the shades that each boy had.

"Jimmy thought it'd be cool to match," Joel explained wearily, as if he'd answer that question many, many times.

Martyn laughed. "I see. Thirdly, the matching friendship bracelets-"

"Also Jimmy."

"Uh-huh. And I'm assuming matching nail polish is also Jimmy's idea?"

"Hey! I just thought it'd be nice!" Jimmy exclaimed indignantly. "To show the bond we have together!"

Martyn raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Yeah."

Scar cleared his throat and raised his hand, as if he was in class. "Uh, I have a question too!" After receiving the trio's attention, Scar continued. "Is it true you set some dumpsters on fire?"

"No," Grian answered quickly, just as Joel said, "Yes!"

"Joel! We practiced this! If someone accuses you of a crime you did, you're supposed to deny it!" Grian rolled his eyes.

Joel grinned sheepishly. "Right."

Meanwhile Scar was watching with awe, his eyes round. "Wow, you guys really are up to some bad stuff."

Bdubs stiffened as the three males slowly grinned. "Oh no," he muttered, already knowing what would happen next.

"Funny you should say that, Scar," Grian said, pure glee clear in his voice.

"Cuz we," Joel proclaimed loudly, striking a ridiculous pose. "are the Bad Boys!"

"Oh yeah!" Jimmy puffed out his chest, pointing finger guns.

The entire table stared at them, before bursting into laughter, including the Bad Boys themselves.

Oh man, Bdubs thought between laughs. Things are going to be a lot more eventful with our cousins around.



anyywhooo-- hope you liked this!!

thank you so, so much for reading!!

WC: 1367,, a long one :0

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