new friends

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"What are you doing?" she asked with a giggle.

Jerome had just threw a rock trough the shopwindow of a huge store, breaking the glass with a loud crack, than stepped inside the window, putting his hand out towards the girl to help her up.

"We're going shopping, princess." she accepted his hand stepping inside the shop carefully, avoiding the broken glass "Ugh, I can't wait to take off these uniforms, the black and white makes me look so pale, besides, I don't believe you're comfortable in those smart suits you wear." he pulled her closer, leaning to whisper in her ear "Wear something less detective, and more Lili." small blush appeared on her cheeks from his words, though she wasn't really sure what kind of clothes would be more Lili.

Jerome got lost somewhere trying to decide which tie would match his suit more, while the girl still hasn't picked out anything yet. There were a few things she liked, but nothing that really felt like her. Maybe she was overthinking this as well? Maybe she should just go with something more simple, just like the silk white dress in front of her. It was quiet short, and revealing, way out of her comfort zone, and that made it so perfect. She picked out some fishnet tights and tight shorts that she could wear under the dress to make her more comfortable.

"Woah." was all Jerome managed to say at the sight of the girl in the white dress. She looked so much younger, so much brighter, Jerome used to be the sun to her moon, shining so Lili could shine as well, but now she became a star herself, her own light reflecting in the boy's eyes.

"Is it too much?" she asked anxiously, turning to look at herself in the mirror near by, pulling her dress down so it would cover her thighs more, but than her breasts got revealed even more, she was about to pull it up again, when Jerome walked up to her from behind, his hands softly running down her waist, wrapping around her body. He leaned down to press a few soft kisses on her neck, his lips slowly wondering to her ear.

"There's no such thing as too much when it comes to you." he whispered against her skin "You look perfect." she let her head fall back, resting on his shoulders, leaning into his touch, his warmth, his everything. She let out a quiet pleasant sound as he kept sucking on her neck.

"Jerome." she breathed out, her voice was calling for him, craving more and more of him. It surprised her how desperate she became when it came to the boy. He hardly had to touch her, and it was as if she shifted into a different universe, a different world, where she had no worries to give a fuck about, he made her feel so- so much.

Jerome slowly pulled away, but not before pressing one last kiss on the red- almost purple bruise he left on the girl's skin.

"Let's get going, my dear, we've got things to take care of."

She followed him back to the car, she felt Crane's eyes on her as she climbed into the vehicle, not in a creepy way, it was more like he saw her for the first time, saw her for who she really is.

"So what are we doing?" she asked, the child like excitement in her voice brought a found smile on the red head's face.

"Well, first, we must rescue a friend, which should be easy enough, than, we go home." Jerome explained.

"Home?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Am old friend offered to have us for the time being." he spoke with a grin on his face "He'll be thrilled to see you're finally free."

A few more minutes later they found the white van that was supposed to transfer Tetch to Arkham. Lili wondered why only one driver guarded one of the most  dangerous criminals, it was almost like they wanted him to escape.

With a sudden turn they cut in front of the van, forcing it to stop in the middle of the road. The driver climbed out of the vehicle, angrily screaming at them, he probably thought it was just and accident. It made Lili chuckle.

The three climbed out of the car, the officer's face immediately dropped as he recognised Jerome and Crane, than his eyes widened even more when he realised who the girl was.

"Detective Grimes, what the hell is going on?"

"Ohh don't worry officer, we're just here to make sure Jervis Tetch gets to where he's supposed be." she explained with a small smile on her lips, Jerome smirking next to her. 

"B-but that's Jonathan Crane and Jerome Valeska?"

"I know! Crazy, right?" she leaned closer as if she was about to share a secret "Isn't he handsome?" she nodded towards Jerome, and when she was the horrified expression on the guards face, she let out a giggle. Before he could stutter out something Crane walked up behind him and sprayed him with his gas. The man started screaming and panicking, running off into the dark streets of Gotham.

Jerome opened up the back of the car, revealing the tied up Tetch, who's couldn't let out a relived sigh because his mouth was taped, but Lili could see the happiness in his eyes when he realised he's being rescued.

"How do you like the new threads?" Jerome showed off his new outfit "Ohh speechless, I know." he leaned forward and freed Tetch's mouth.

"You look a fright, Mr. Tetch." Crane said as he began to untie the man.

"Somewhat lame, Mr. Crane." he started, breathing heavily as he spoke, manic smile on his lips "But I do confess pure joy in besting Jimmy boy with out ploy."

Lili's eyes widened a little at Jim's name, her mind was so occupied with Jerome he completely forgot about her partner, well, now ex-partner, who was probably worried sick, thinking she was kidnapped by the maniacs. She'll have to tell him about her relationship with Jerome, she probably owe that much to him.

Or maybe not. Maybe she'll just let him find out in the middle of a shooting, or a fight, that could be hilarious.

"Yeah, yeah, you did a great job keeping Gordon occupied, meanwhile Crane got his fear gas, I got my information and my girl." he put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer "Everything is going according to my plan."

Tetch's eyes curiously wonder on the girl, an evil smirk growing on his face "Well, we'll, well, if it isn't Detective Grimes, who's name rhymes so well with crimes, I can't say I'm really surprised."

"Long time no see, Mr. Tetch." she smiled politely "I suppose I owe you a thanks for putting Barnes out of the way. He truly was a pain in my ass."

Captain Barnes was the only person who ever questioned Lili's relationship with Jerome, he found it extremely suspicious that she had survived him so many times. Honestly, the girl wondered how the same thing hasn't occurred to anyone else, or if it did, they were just too afraid to call her out.

Anyway, Barnes was constantly up her ass, questioning her every move, she was thinking about how could she murder him without getting caught, when the virus beat her to it. Actually she was glad she didn't kill him, watching him go insane was just hilarious.

"It was my pleasure." Tetch replied with a little bow.

"No time to palaver, ladies and gentlemen." Jerome spoke up, turning to step out of the car "We have a fish to fry. And by fish, I mean faces." he turned back around "Or feet." the other two man laughed while the girl only watched him with a smirk "Ah, something fun to fry." he jumped out of the vehicle, holding his hand out to help Lili out as well "Buckle up." he chuckled as he slammed the doors closed and hurried to the driver's seat.

"Put your seatbelt on, princess, it's gonna be a hell of a ride."

Hey lovely people, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm really excited for her to meet Jeremiah (she'll absolutely hate him lmao)

Anyway, do you all want smut?

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