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Lili walked off the stage, looking up at her partner who stared at her like he'd seen a ghost. As much as she wanted to storm out of the building and have some privacy, she had to admit she missed Jim.

"Hey." she smiled awkwardly, she had no idea what to say, she's never been kidnapped before. Instead of answering James hurried up to the girl, wrapping his arms around her, holding her so tight, she felt like she might stop breathing "Woah, I'm okay." she laughed, but it wasn't real, and Jim could tell.

"Don't ever get kidnapped again." he said whispered before pulling away and awkwardly pulling on his suit "Do you have any idea who's responsible for the break out?" he asked.

Lili let out a painful sigh "No, I was locked in a room the whole time. I only spoke with Jerome."

Sometimes flashed trough Jim's eyes, concern, worry, curiosity. He looked as if he found a clue in her words, an explanation to a question he had failed to ask.

The girl turned to look at Bruce, the poor boy stood with stitches on his throat, beep circles under his eyes, he looked so old. She pulled him into a hug, the gesture took him by surprise, of course they were close considering how much she helped with investigating his parents' murder, but detective Grimes wasn't known of physical touch.

"I'm sorry." she said, voice cracking.

"It wasn't your fault, detective." he said.

She only gave him a sad smile is response, but the truth is, if Bruce died, she would have been just as guilty as Jerome, because she did nothing to stop him.

"You were very brave." James spoke "You helped save the lives of everyone in here. Your parents..." he hesitated before finishing the sentence "They would've been proud."

"That they would've been." Alfred agreed "They also would have given me the sack for letting you do something so idiotic."

"It was all of us. We were a team."

"Yeah, I guess we were." Lee Thompkins walked up to the circle, she had just finished checking up on Theo Galavan "Is he okay?"

Lili hoped he wasn't. She hoped she pushed him hard enough for him to fall and hit his head so bad he dies. She wanted him dead. Actually, she wanted him to suffer, both emotionally and physically, he wanted him to feel the same empty hole inside his chest that she did, she wanted him to watch everything he loved get destroyed, and man like Theo Galavan, they can't love nothing except for power, money and themselves.

"Fine, though I'd still like him to get checked out at the hospital. Barbra gave him quite a knock." the doctor reported "Any word on her?"

"I don't know, she went through a trap door in the stage. They must have always been planning to use that as their exit."

"Uh, Mr.Galavan, sir." Alfred addressed the man walking towards them "Alfred Pennyworth. I'd like to thank you for saving Master Wayne's life." Theo only waved, as if what he did was nothing "If there's anything I can ever do for you, sir."

"Or I." Bruce spoke up.

"I really just did what any citizen of Gotham would have done." he smiled at the pair.

"Kill someone?" Lili said harshly, all eyes snapped to look at her, all filled with confusion.

Jim cleared his throat to break the loud silence "What my partner means is that you had to make a hard decision quickly. We must thank you for acting up."

"That's not what I mea-"

"Well if you ever need anything, please call." Theo interrupted, not even bothering to look at the girl, he shook Jim's hand "We're all in this together." he spoke dramatically before walking away.

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