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Flashback Pt 2

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Flashback Pt 2...
33 yrs ago...

Alfonso had been living with the D'Andrea family for two years. He had created a brotherly bond with Giovanni. However Massimo didn't treat him like his own son.

Instead, he treated Alfonso like the outsider he was. And Massimo always made sure to remind Alfonso that he was adopted and if the former wanted he could send the latter back to the orphanage.

That made Alfonso miss his parents more. Even though he had everything he needed, he didn't have the love and affection of a parent.

Material objects could never compensate for what he once had.

"Are you coming, Alfonso?" Giovanni yelled from below the stairs. The two boys had planned to go for a walk around the neighborhood, and Alfonso was taking his sweet time to get ready.

"Yes I'm coming!" Alfonso yelled back.

As Alfonso was walking down the hallway, he stopped in his tracks when he noticed the door to Massimo's office open.

Massimo allowed no one in there, and so Alfonso was curious as to what was happening inside.

Placing his ear next to the door, he listened in on the conversation that was taking place

"You're selfish, Massimo," a voice that Alfonso didn't know said.

"The boy has a roof over his head. What more could he ask for? And if anything, I'm selfless for letting a stranger into my house." Massimo's reply came.

"But you adopted him for your own selfish reasons. If he ever finds out what you did, you will regret adopting him."

"He will never find out and even if he did, he can't do anything about it."

"I hope karma bites you in the ass, Massimo. And you should know, what happens in the dark will always come to light."

"Shut the fuck up, Sussane. The boy will never find out that I killed his peasant parents. Now, get the fuck out or my office before I blow your brains," Massimo snapped making Alfonso stiffen.

Flashback over...
Present day...

Death is inevitable but we can live a life that we are proud of. And death comes for everyone. Whether old or young, commoner or royalty, peasant or wealthy. All of us will one day die.

Die with memories, whether good or bad. Live a life you can brag about to Death. Don't live a life that you don't want to live and follow your dreams cause no one's gonna pursue them for you.

"So that's why you raped them. You did that to them because of their grandfather's sins. You're sick, Alfonso. And you deserve whatever shit happened to you," Kendra snapped when Alfonso finished telling his life story.

“You know, your father did love you, in a cruel way,” Alfonso sneered. Kendra scoffed. “He loves fiercely but he’s just prejudiced. I, however, am not. I am fair, just like life is.”

He walked closer to Kendra, causing her to scramble away in disgust. There before her was her uncle, a disgusting and deranged man. Fucked in the head.

“Life is fair,” he said, “because everyone ends it the same way. You’re lucky you won’t have to live for much longer, yeah?”

And then he shoved her.

A scream tore through Kendra at the unexpected and sudden move. She didn't have time to hold onto the wall to try and save herself and she fell off the high building. It was as if she was flying until she landed hard on the ground.

A deafening crack sounded in the air, startling Duke's men, who were guarding the building.

One of the guards went to check what the noise was. And what he saw made him gasp in shock and disgust.

There was a pool of blood around Kendra’s head. Her limbs were bent at unnatural angles and her head was tilted to the side. She was limp, and there was no sign of life.


"Time of death; 17:45," the doctor murmured. He looked up at Duke, whose face crumpled as he slouched forward, eyes shut tight. As if he wanted the memory of Kendra’s broken body out of his mind.

Kendra Thora D'Andrea is dead.


Chapter edited by Bad_Karma_9431

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Chapter edited by Bad_Karma_9431

Thank you so much for reading my story even though it was all over the place and the plot was bad 😬😑

But I appreciate and love you guys. Thanks again for reading my story.

This is not the way I wanted it to end but it had to end this way. I love happily ever afters but it was just not going to work ( it was gonna work but I just wanted to be cruel and kill Kendra because I have the power to do so).

I am not writing a sequel or bonus chapters because I don't want to. Kendra's journey in life ends here, sadly😢

Thank you again for reading my wack story.

Love you alll


Love, Shantelle

xoxo 💗

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