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" That's not supposed to happen!!" Saskia panicked

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" That's not supposed to happen!!" Saskia panicked. I just gave her an uninterested stare and went back to scrolling through the comments on my pictures on ig.

Saskia woke me up early to bake cookies however she burnt them and now the kitchen is full of smoke. I warned her to stop cooking because she can't cook to save herself.

Yesterday after going to the office we stayed over Kia and Keir's house. I should start calling this my house because what's theirs is mine. I know Giovanni is gonna be pissed that we didn't go back to his house but who the fuck cares.

" Kendra please help me!!" she pleaded looking at me with those ugly eyes of hers.

" What's in it for me?" nothing is for free in this world and I always make sure to take advantage of the times that Kia needs help. She pays handsomely.

"Argh, I will give you a million dollars. Now come help me clear this up before Keir wakes up" Keir is a clean freak so I'd he finds this smoke then he will kill us. I'm not even joking.

" A million dollars will do" I hopped off the the counter top and started opening the windows to let some fresh air in.

By the time everyone was awake there was no sign of any smoke and I had earned myself a million dollars. I should go shopping because I don't have an Italian collection.

When I travel all around the world I always make sure to buy some clothes from that country and turn it into a collection. I love clothes just like how Keir loves cars and Kia loves houses. We are all obsessed with something.

" Good morning housemates!!" I chirped to get some energy flowing in the house. Draco and Keir were being grumpy dicks.

" Stop shouting Kendra. It's seven fucking am in the morning" Draco grunted. I threw a piece of bacon at him and it hit him right in the face. He glared at me making me laugh at his sour expression.

" Stop swearing in front of my kids Draco" I warned feeding some banana mush to Marella. She loves it more than she loves me. That's a lie but she is obsessed with this as if it's a drug.

" So what are we doing today?" Saskia asked changing the conversation.

" We should go to the archade or the funfair and play some games" I suggested.

" Those is favour of the archade raise your hands" Keir always does this when I suggest that we do two activities in one day.

No one raised their hands so it was decided that we are going to the fun fair. I'm excited because this is my first time going out to have fun with my siblings.

After breakfast I bathed the three musketeers, my knew nickname for the three kids we have in the house, and got them dressed in the same outfits because I wanted them to look like triplets.

I also showered and wore blue high waist Palazzo Jeans, a white long-sleeved crop top and I paired it with white shoes. I put my hair into a ponytail and for my makeup I put on some pink lip gloss and concealer.

After getting ready everyone settled in the car and I drove us to a fun fair thirty minutes from our house. Luckily the place was not that full when we arrived.

We went on every ride in the fair. Took some pictures for memories and just enjoyed ourselves as the the little family that we are.

Lily had on a smile that could brighten any man's darkest day. It really brought joy to my heart that I  could get her to laugh and smile for the whole day.

At the end of the day we were all tired but we could all agree that we had enjoyed the day. We made more memories and we got to know each other better.

Getting to our house everyone took a shower to refresh themselves. And then we went back to the D'Andrea mansion. I don't think I will ever be able to call that place my home.

When we arrived we found Giovanni shouting at his phone and everyone else was sitted in the house looking worried.

" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!" Giovanni yelled once he noticed we were there. This action caused Marella, who was sleeping, to waked up and start crying.

Sighing, I handed her to Draco who understood the assignment and took the kids upstairs must to Giovanni's dismay. I took a seat on the furthest seat away from these vile people.

" Will you tell us where you were and why you didn't come home last night?" Amelia asked.

She wants to act like a concerned parent yet she was not even concerned about her two children's health. Amelia disgusts me and she doesn't deserve to be a mother.

" Where we were is none of your business. You should be happy that we even thought of coming back to your house and please note that this is not my home but yours. Now please excuse me" I walked out of the lounge without soaring them another glance.

Living in this house is so tiring. It's as if you are living in a prison and all your movements are monitored.

I can't wait to get the fuck out of here.

I can't wait to get the fuck out of here

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