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This vacation has gone great. Brendan and I had gotten closer together as had Heather and Jackson. We had enjoyed weeks of snorkeling, scuba diving, fly fishing, and swimming. 

I was sunbathing as Brendan was fly fishing. Heather and Jackson were hanging out with a few octopi who had apparently figured out what Jackson was. 

"What are they saying?" Heather asked. 

"They think I lucked out with you." Jackson was laughing as a baby octopus decided to sit on his shoulder. 

"Aww, look at the little mermaid over here." Brendan said lightheartedly. Jackson flushed and then shrugged. 

"Shit, at least I got six years with my mother, they didn't even get one." Jackson continued to play with them. 

My phone started to ring. It was Amanda. Oh, joy. And we had two days to go. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hi, Erika." She says. 

"Hey, what's up?" I ask her, getting up from my beach chair. 

"Well, we are running a bit short on staff. Lexi, Kyra and Zander are in the middle of a mission with some fae that are trying to take over a town in western North Carolina." Amanda sighed. "And Karenina is in the Pacific now." 

"And I'm guessing everyone else is booked." 

"Yep, we need to return a favor. You see, your grandfather had managed to write a pact of peace with the Queen of Vampires, Wilhemina Draculesi. It seems like she is being threatened by the Vonjac clan. I'll tell you more about the mission whenever you guys are here." 

"Thanks, Amanda. I guess I'll-" 

"Oh, no. I bought you guys the tickets back." She responds. "Since I pulled you out of vacation two days early. " 

"Thanks, see you later." I hung up. 

"What are you doing this time?" Jackson asked as the baby octopi that were hanging around them were playing jungle gym in his arms. 

"Seems like we have to go to deal with bloodsuckers." I sighed, stretching. 

"That sounds delightful." Jackson shook his head. It has been a year since my family was taken by the cephalopods. And almost a year since Brendan and I had been together. And of course, it's also been a year since Heather and Jackson have been together. 

"Eh, at this point, we either defeat them or we don't." Brendan reeled in his line. 

"We should probably start packing our stuff up." Heather gets up. 

"Well, I guess I should say goodbye." Jackson sighed. There was a choir of little whining sounds. "Look, you guys should survive if you listened to what I said. Good luck, little cousins." The octopi jumped off. 

We headed back to the AirBnB we were staying at. I headed straight for the shower. As I was removing my top, Brendan went into the bathroom. 

"Hey, beautiful." He hugs me. 

"Oh, hey." I smiled, leaning against his chest. "Were you wanting to join me in the shower?" 

"Maybe." He leaned closer to me. I chuckled. "It wouldn't be a bad idea, I guess." I fully removed my top and we both jumped into the shower. The water was a bit on the cold side but it felt nice anyway. 

"What did she say the mission was about?" He asked me. 

"I have no idea, honestly." I started to pour shampoo in my hair. Brendan was washing my hair which felt great. After scrubbing myself and putting on a conditioner, I got out of the shower and got dressed. 

"I'm gonna be glad to be in North Carolina again." Brendan was drying off his curls. 

"Same, honestly." While I did love Bonaire and all the amazing fun and  food that we've had, I do miss things like my bed and other dishes we can't get here. 

I started to pack up my suitcase as did Brendan. Any dirty clothes were put in the smaller suitcase. I sighed as I sat down on the bed. 

"You okay?" Brendan asked me, sitting next to me. 

"Well, my period hasn't been this late before." I told him. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, raising his brow. 

"Don't get too excited, I'm still on the pill, remember?" I asked myself. 

"I mean, I wouldn't mind a baby together." He held my hand gently. 

"I wouldn't either, it's just-" I sighed. "We have a lot going on." 

"I know. Whatever happens, I'll be there for you." He grabs my hand and kisses it. I kiss his hand back. I guess I'll take a pregnancy test if nothing happens in a few days. 

"I love you." I lean against him. 

"I love you too, Erika." Brendan smiled at me and we pulled in for a kiss. 


He was ready to leave the island. He was surrounded by the memories of his amnesia and returning to his human form, something that he hadn't done in a bit. Of course, the memories of that first time were also haunting him. The babies had been a good distraction from all of that. 

"Jackson, could you bring me a towel?" Heather asked. Jackson got one from their bag and opened the door, slightly to avoid peeking in on Heather. He didn't want to trigger her. He then heard a horrified scream. 

"Heather!" He exclaimed. He opened the door to see Heather curled up in the shower, hands on her head and sobbing hysterically. He turned the water off and put the towel over her. 

"Heather..." He said in a soft tone. 

"Make it stop..." She whispered. "Stop...stop....stop...." 

"Heather...it's okay. I'm here." He spoke gently. He could hear footsteps. 

"Hey, is everything ok in there?" It was Brendan. 

"Yeah, she's just having a moment." Jackson hollered back. 

Heather looked at Jackson. "I'm sorry." She said, her eyes puffy and teary. "I just-" 

"It's fine." Jackson offered her help out of the tub. She got out and hugged him. He hugged her back. 

"I'm sorry, it's just hard...I feel okay sometimes but then..." She started to sob. "He's there, in my memories, hurting me." 

"It's okay, Heather. He's dead. He can't harm you anymore." He kissed the top of her head. 

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