Meeting Vincent

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Sy and I stood up walking out of the café, I could feel her rage as we got into the car.

Me:"You need to keep that locked up for now. He's smart, he won't make a move right away. I can tell he's different from Viktor."
Sylas:"Does this mean I get the kill shot this time?"

Smirking lightly I glanced towards Vincent as I pulled away from the café,

Me:"Sure why not."
Sylas:"Have you heard from your mom?"
Me:"You mean mother? And no, I have an idea to grab her attention."

Feeling a hand on my arm I glanced over at Sy seeing she had a stern look on her face so I looked back at the road.

Sylas:"Don't do that, she will be furious."
Me:"At first, maybe. This can be overlooked by her due to my reason."
Sylas:"At least try to call her before doing that."
Me:"I'll give it some thought, you need to have Nick come to the precinct."
Sylas:"Yea that's like trying to get a turtle to walk faster. Nick is fucking depressed and won't leave the house for nothing."
Me:"Fine, his house it is."


I stood there looking between Nick and Sylas who told Juliette everything about Adalind's goal. She was furious at first but eventually understood why it was kept a secret.

Juliette:"Nick thinks there isn't a way to fix this."
Me:"It's possible but don't shoot the thought so soon."
Sylas:"On our way here we both tried calling Eliza but still nothing."
Juliette:"Is there another way?!"
Me:"There is, she may be angry at first so nobody walk towards her."
Juliette:"Walk towards her? How she's not even here Sean."

Sighing lowly I closed my eyes then caused myself to become overwhelmed, a small flutter appeared so I opened my eyes seeing my mother looking at me and boy was she angry.

Me:"Before you yell at me this is important."

Sy slowly stepped around so she can see my mother's face,

Sylas:"I didn't want him to do it but it was our last option. We need your help, we found out what Adalind's goal was."
Eliza:"Tell me."
Sylas:"She slept with Nick to take his powers away, Nick isn't a Grimm anymore. We need to know if there is a way to fix it?"

My mother looked down in thought but soon looked back up,

Eliza:"There is. But it's something neither of them will like."
Eliza:"I can make the potion but the rest is up to you and Juliette. In order to regain your powers Nick, Juliette has to change into Adalind and sleep with you."
Sylas:"Whoa, don't you think that's a little insane?"
Eliza:"It will be hard but that is the only way to be a Grimm again."
Juliette:"What? Nick I thought you wanted it back?"
Nick:"Not like that, hell no."
Eliza:"Since Sean has summoned me here, I will stay a few days and if your answer is still no I will leave."
Sylas:"Yea..the few days thing isn't going to work.."

My mother glared at me then looked to Sy,

Eliza:"What has he done my dear?"
Sylas:"Sean? No no he did nothing I promise, it's the problem him and I have."
Nick:"Problem? What problem Sy?"
Sylas:"Sean we're going to need Monroe, Rosalee and Wu here. You and Juliette need to make a decision, I'm sorry.."

Juliette looked into Sy's eyes, her expression confirms she understood Sy was serious but also sincere.

Nick:"I called them so they should be here shortly."
Juliette:"How long will it take to get the potion ready?"
Nick:"I can't do that Juliette."
Sylas:"Nick you'll have to."
Nick:"How serious is your problem?"
Me:"Very serious, if you don't you'll be killed quicker then the rest of us."

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