I need some help-

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Genuinely I don't know if I'll ever finish this story, and I need some advice from the people that'll be reading it.

I wrote this in my early teens, and I don't like how this story is so heavily associated with that, but I promised myself years ago that I'd never fully abandon this.

There's a very simple prompt this was based on, but due to my writing style and my interests changing a bit, I'm no longer super active in the marvel/pjo fandoms, even if I haven't left them entirely. I know if I don't change something with this it will simply never be done.

I feel like continuing this requires one of two methods:
1. A bit of a rush job, not super shabby, but definitely rough, just to get it done,
2. Completely rewriting sections, with a very high likelihood that this project will get abandoned.

I don't like where this story went, the writing style is very off, I'm struggling to change it currently, and I can't start any new projects for myself until this is finished, but I'd like to hear from y'all about what you think of it.

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