Chapter 85

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When Li Li entered the kitchen, the cooks in the kitchen and the maids and women who were washing vegetables and lighting the fire were all preparing for lunch for the masters of the house.

"My servant has seen the young master." Seeing Mo Li enter the kitchen, everyone in the kitchen dropped their work and quickly knelt on the ground to salute Mo Li.

"Get up, all of you go to the big kitchen outside and make your own lunch. Today, I will cook the lunch of my father, mother and concubine."

This small kitchen is dedicated to cooking meals for the three masters in the mansion. Before that, the side husband and his second son cooked meals in the big kitchen outside. In addition to cooking for them, the big kitchen also cooked for the servants in the inner courtyard, so the side husband was envious of jealousy and resentment against the princess.

"My lord, but the servants are not doing well?" The master cook in the kitchen, who was responsible for the meals, heard that Li Li was going to make lunch, and terrifiedly thought that it was his own.

"Master, you have done a good job. I will only do this once today, and you will have to continue to do it in the future." Looking at the shivering master kneeling on his knees, Li Li said amusedly.

"Yes, does the young master need us to stay and help?" He was relieved to hear that the young master only did it this time, and it wasn't that they did anything wrong.

"Well, let's keep one who burns the fire and one who washes the vegetables for me." Thinking that it would be good to have someone to help, lest he have to light the fire and wash the vegetables by himself.

"Yes, my servant will arrange it now." Afterwards, the master arranged for a little girl who lit the fire and a woman who washed vegetables, and he himself decided to stay and help Li Li.

He knew that this young master was found from outside, and he was very worried about whether this young master could cook. If not, wouldn't the prince, concubine and His Royal Highness be hungry at noon today? With him here, young master If not, he can still help.

"Master doesn't need your help anymore, you go out and cook your meals." Usually, the servants in the mansion have to wait for the master to prepare the meals for the masters before cooking their meals.

"No, just let the old slave here to help the young master. There is an apprentice of the old slave in the big kitchen." "

Okay, then you can stay and let me help you.

" Mo Li secretly laughed at the way he looked, but thinking that he was also kind, he didn't refuse him any more. He thought it would be good if he stayed, and he could teach him by the way. When the master learned it, he could eat without himself Let's do it.

There is an old saying: medicine is three parts poison, and medicine is not as good as food.

Concubine Deqin is stagnated in the heart, which means that the liver qi is uncomfortable, the qi movement is not smooth, and the qi movement is stagnant and the heart is caused by emotional fluctuations.

So Li Li decided not to prescribe medicine as much as possible, but to treat with medicinal diet.

Li Li looked at the ingredients in the kitchen and found that there were still pigeons.

So I decided to make a medicinal meal to treat stagnation of liver qi: Stewed white pigeons with wolfberry and yellow essence

can serve as errands in the palace, and can also be a master chef in the small kitchen. The pigeons knew that the young master had an idea.

Then he said: "Young master, I'll go and clean up these pigeons."

"Okay, clean out both of them." Mo Li nodded, as long as someone helps, everything can be solved by moving your mouth.

The master was cleaning up the pigeons, so Li Li decided what to eat for lunch today.

My mother likes spicy food, but now she is still recuperating her body, so she can't eat spicy food, she needs to eat light food.

After looking at the other ingredients, he didn't know how to make Manchu banquets, nor did he know how to make famous dishes, but only some home-cooked dishes. Finally, Li Li drew up the menu and decided to make five dishes and two soups for three people to eat. enough.

Three meat, two vegetables and two soups.

Three meat dishes: roast beef with potatoes, braised pork belly, steamed sea bass.

Two vegetables and two soups: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, anchovies with garlic, winter melon ball soup, green vegetables and tofu soup.

The menu has been confirmed, and the master chef over there has also cleaned up the pigeons.

Mo Li took the pigeon and put it in a special casserole on the stove, then put in a proper amount of wolfberry and sealwort, added water and boiled it over high heat, skimmed off the foam, then simmered for an hour, then added cooking wine and refined salt Cook for a while and start the pot, just like this, a pot of stewed white pigeon with wolfberry and sealwort is ready.

During the time when stewed wolfberries and yellow essence stewed white pigeons, Li Li began to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

Seeing Li Li skillfully instructing them to wash the ingredients and pay attention to the size of the fire, the master chef was sure that his young master really knew how to cook, and his skills were not bad.

If Li Li had known what the master thought, he would have proudly raised his head and said triumphantly: That is, I have found a lot of delicious food outside, and I can not only eat but also cook, this is the most authentic big foodie.

The little doctor who wears the pastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin