Chapter 11

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"Hey, this house is so beautiful, it can even catch up with the houses in the town."

"This house is not much worse than that of the landlord's house next door, but it is not as big as that of the landlord's house. What a difference."

Some people are envious and others are jealous, and there is a discordant voice among the voices of envy, "Hey, tell me, Moli is from a brother's family, how can I get so much money to afford this house? It's still a blue-brick house, so it couldn't have been left quietly by the second child of the Mo family." "It's

also possible that it was left for him by the old monk."

"Hey, Mo Li is not bad at all. Running to the town, do you think you have hooked up with some rich people outside, so you can afford to buy a house." Said a young man with a mean face.

"I said, you gossips, can you say something nice? If the second child of the Mo family could leave some money for Mo Li, would Mo Li live in the temple because he was kicked out of the house? During this period of time, I ran to the town every day. It was because Mo Li and my old man rescued a person on the way back from the town last time. I went every day during this period because the person was not well, and I needed Mo Li to help her. Continue acupuncture, and the money for his house is also paid by that family."

The village head, Fu Lang, came in from the outside and listened to these eight wives talking nonsense about Mo Li, and he was very angry.

"That's right, don't even think about it. During this period of time, Brother Li is not giving you free medical treatment. We only ask you to pay for the medicine. If you have no money, you can use food and vegetables to pay for the medicine. Have you seen it?" If that doctor can be so kind, do you still have a conscience?"

Xiao Tang, the village head's daughter-in-law, also said angrily along with her mother-in-law.

"That's right, Youngest Li, last time your dizziness was cured by my elder brother Li. I didn't charge you for it. Your conscience was eaten by a dog. Now we arrange it like this. It's really wolf-hearted."

The person who said this was the grandma of the little fatty who fell into the water that Mo Li rescued before, and Chen Liu's mother, Wang Shi, is also Li Li's aunt. It's really the same as my own nephew and grandson, very good.

This youngest Li from the Wang family is the mean old youngest who just said that Mo Li hooked up with rich people outside.

The last time Mo Li came back from picking herbs on the mountain, he just happened to meet Li Momo fainted in the vegetable field. Mo Li hurried to rescue him. He saw that it was heat stroke. Anti-heat medicine and some cooling herbal tea that he just picked in the mountains.

After Mo Li went back, seeing the weather getting hotter and hotter, he made some herbal tea and went to the village chief's house and asked the village chief to give it to the villagers in the village, and let them take it home to boil water to drink, so that it is not easy to suffer from heat stroke.

Therefore, everyone in the village is very grateful to Mo Li. Usually, if everyone has a minor illness or pain, they will go to Mo Li to see him. Or grow your own side dishes to lower the cost of medicine.

So unknowingly, the people in the village stopped calling him Brother Mo Lili, and started calling him Doctor Xiao Mo or Doctor Xiao Li.

Every time Li Li was speechless when they called him Doctor Xiao Li or Doctor Xiao Mo, he kept thinking why he didn't remove the word 'small'.

He didn't even think about it, his body was only fifteen years old, and he was still a brother, so of course people would add the word 'small'.

As for the fact that the village head, Fu Lang, just said that Mo Li treated a person in the town, this had to start from the last time when Mo Li and the old village head went to the yamen to apply for a land deed.


"Son, don't scare mother, what's wrong with you?" A woman cried while holding a child who was foaming at the mouth.

"Oh, what's wrong with this kid?"

"Oh my god, I'm vomiting white foam. Is it going to die?

" What happened? There was a circle of people in the middle of the road, and everyone was chattering about something.

Li Li released his power and saw that there was a woman in her twenties in the middle of the road, holding a child about three or four years old in her arms, but the child was convulsing, her limbs were stiff, and she was foaming at the mouth .

Li Li understood that what this child was suffering from was epilepsy, commonly known as 'epilepsy madness'.

Li Li remembered that there was a standard in medical books: epileptic seizures are usually caused by sudden loss of consciousness, falling to the ground, head thrown back, roaring due to spasm of the diaphragm, limbs twitching, foaming at the mouth, blue complexion, eyes turned up, sometimes Accompanied by incontinence of feces and urine, after the attack, the process of the attack is not remembered, and the whole body is painful and weak. Petit mal seizures are also called absence seizures, manifested by sudden cessation of speech and activities, staring or staring eyes, and falling to the ground with objects in the hands. After the seizures stop, the original activities continue. Localized epileptic seizures are characterized by partial or one-sided limb twitching, and if the epileptic discharge extends to a full psychomotor seizure: (also known as complex partial seizures), it can be manifested as sudden onset, confusion, irregularity and incoordination Actions (such as sucking, chewing, searching, shouting, running, struggling, etc.). The patient's behavior is motivating, aimless, blind and impulsive, and the attack lasts for several hours, sometimes for several days. The patient has no memory of the attack.

Looking at the appearance of the child's attack, it is the first attack, and it is not very serious, but if you do not treat it in time, it will definitely become more and more serious later.

Seeing the child twitching and about to bite himself, Mo Li quickly got off the bullock cart, "Grandpa Tang, I'm going to save someone." Before the

old village chief could react, Mo Li had already run over, the old village On the one hand, Chang likes Li Li's kind spirit, but on the other hand, he is worried that his medical skills are not good enough to save people, and people will blame him instead.

The old village head stopped the ox cart, tied the ox to a tree on the side, and was going to help Li Li look after him. If Mo Li couldn't be cured and others blamed Mo Li, he could also help Mo Li.

"Get out of the way, I'm a doctor, I can cure him." Mo Li broke through the crowd and said quickly, "Sister-in-law, you can't hold the baby lying flat on the ground." The woman heard that there was a

doctor , hastily followed what Li Li said.

In the end, when he looked up, he saw that the doctor was a brother, or an underage brother, and he was instantly shaken. How could such a young brother be a doctor.

"This guy who hasn't grown any hair, how could he be a doctor, please don't treat his child to death.

" Yes, no matter how bad you are, you are still an adult, but not a little brother like you."

A group of onlookers chattered.

The woman hesitated when she was serious, but now she was shaken instantly when she heard what the person next to her said, and wanted to hold the child in her arms, crying and saying, "How can your underage brother be a doctor?"

At this time, the old village chief just squeezed in and said hurriedly: "Brother Li is a doctor. We are from Anping Village. Brother Li has been studying medicine with a big monk in the temple of our village since he was a child. He has cured Several patients have been healed, and my husband was anxious to get angry before, and he was cured by Brother Li." "I have learned medical

skills from the great monk since I was a child. It must be good. I have already treated patients. Then It's definitely not a lie."

"That's right, Mrs. Liu, let this little doctor try it."

After hearing what the village chief said, there must be someone who knows the woman in the surrounding crowd to persuade her.

"Sister-in-law, I live in Anping Village above. I'm sure I'm not a liar. Let me see it quickly, or your child will hurt himself when it's over." Mo Li also persuaded.

"Can you really cure my son?" the woman asked hesitantly.

"Let me see now, I can still cure it, if you are hesitating, it may be too late." Li Li deliberately said seriously to scare the woman.

"Little doctor, is it my fault? I beg you, sir, you have a lot of people. Please save my child." The woman hugged the child and was about to kneel down for Li Li.

"If you want to save him, you have to listen to me."

"Put him down quickly, and stand far away. Don't crowd around here. Crowding together is not conducive to air circulation. If the air is not unblocked, the child will not be able to breathe."

"Sister-in-law, do you have a handkerchief for me?"

The child's mother took out a handkerchief from her bosom and handed it to Li Li.

Li Li took the handkerchief and crumpled it into a ball. He squeezed the child's mouth and stuffed the handkerchief into the foaming mouth.

"Your child has epilepsy. Don't move around when the epilepsy occurs. It's best to let him stop by himself. If you move him, his condition will only worsen. When the time comes It may not be cured well." Mo Li explained to the woman while saving people.

"This veil is stuffed in his mouth because he is afraid that he will bite his tongue when he is unconscious."

Then he turned the child's head to the side, "This is to prevent his mouth and nose from being blocked by the things he vomited out of his mouth." cause suffocation and death."

After completing these first aid measures, the child's twitching body has gradually stabilized at this time.

Li Li pretended to take out the cloth bag containing the silver needles from his arms, opened the cloth bag, and inside was a row of shiny silver needles.

Li Li remembered that there was an acupuncture method recorded in his grandfather's medical book, called "Mei's Nine Acupuncture" and

"Mei's Nine Acupuncture" was specially used to treat this kind of epilepsy.

"Mei's Nine Needles" is said to be the acupuncture and moxibustion method of a Mei family. According to legend, their family has inherited epilepsy. Therefore, a member of the family went to worship the divine medicine to learn medical skills, and specially developed a set of acupuncture methods. For the treatment of epilepsy in their family, this acupuncture method only uses nine times, and each acupuncture is nine needles, so it is called Mei's nine acupuncture. After nine times of acupuncture, the epilepsy will be cured.

The author has something to say: The acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of epilepsy in it was made up by Xiaojiu. Don't take it seriously, my dears.

The little doctor who wears the pastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora