Chapter 54

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    Mo Li has been busy teaching Li Nian and others how to make vermicelli for the past few days, so he has less time to study with Doctor Chen, so Mo Li went to Anbu early this morning to find the doctor to study hard.

"Finally willing to come to my place." Miracle Doctor Chen ate his breakfast without raising his eyes, and did not even glance at the pouring tea standing in front of him to admit his mistake.

"Hey, master, it's been a bit busy the past few days, don't worry, I will definitely come to study with you every day from now on." Mo Li flattered Doctor Chen with an obedient face, "Master, you Look, this is the vermicelli that I personally made for you as your apprentice, and I will prepare something delicious for you at noon." "

Huh, next time, see if I don't punish you." Doctor Chen looked at the delicious portion at noon On, decided to let him go today.

"Master, don't worry, there will never be a next time." Mo Li saw that the master forgave him, and quickly raised his hand to promise.

After eating, after the medicine boy cleared away the bowls and chopsticks, after taking a sip of the tea brought by Mo Li, he said to Mo Li: "The weather is not out today, the sun is not very sunny, let's go to the mountains to pick some tea." The herbs are back."

After the two masters and apprentices packed up, Mo Li carried a medicine basket and a medicine hoe on his back, and went up the mountain one after the other.

There was a thunderstorm last night, so the air in the mountains is very fresh, and the wind blowing over is a bit cool, which makes people very refreshing.

Relying on Li Li's abilities along the way, he collected a lot of commonly used medicinal materials.

"Strange, why don't I find medicinal materials in these places every time I come here?" Doctor Chen was puzzled every time he saw that Li Li found medicinal materials in certain places. He had come to this mountain many times, but I didn't notice that there were medicinal materials in these places.

"Maybe it's because you're old and your eyesight is bad." Mo Li teased his master with a playful smile.

But I thought in my heart: You must not have discovered it. It is all due to my ability to find the medicinal materials in these corners. In my ability, I can know everything on this whole mountain. .

"You bastard, even Master Li is making fun of you, you don't want to live anymore, right?" Doctor Chen blew his beard and stared angrily after hearing Li Li's words.

But I was thinking in my heart, could it be that I am old and my eyes are blind...

Unknowingly, the master and apprentice wandered around the mountain for half the morning. In addition to collecting some medicinal materials, Li Li also collected some mushrooms. His master accidentally stuffed some mushrooms in the space secretly, planning to go back at night for Jun Mo to taste.

"It's noon, and the sun is getting brighter. Let's go back, or be careful of heat stroke." Doctor Chen looked up at the sky. He didn't think it was covered by trees in the mountains and forests before. In this wide place, there are no trees to block the sun. It was very hot.

"Okay" Mo Li had no objection.

The master and apprentice walked back out of the mountain forest. When they reached halfway up the mountain, Mo Li saw a peach forest on the other side of the mountain. The peach trees were full of bright red peaches. Mo Li instantly remembered the ones he ate before the end of the world The smell of white peach.

"Master, I saw a peach grove over there. Let's go over there and see if we can buy some peaches and eat them back."

Looking at his young apprentice who looked like he wanted to eat something gluttonous, Chen Miracle Doctor was very funny. A child, very greedy, but I remembered that this season is a good time to eat peaches, so it would be good to buy some and taste it back home.

"If you put your hard work into learning medical skills from me, you would have been a teacher long ago." Although he said so, Chen Miracle Doctor still turned his feet and walked to the other side.

"Hehe, I knew that master loved me the most." Seeing the duplicity of Miracle Doctor Chen, Li Li felt that the word "speaking upright and being upright" was tailor-made for his master.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at the peach forest. Li Li was surprised to see such a peach forest among the mountains.

Walking in the peach grove, all that came to his nostrils was the sweet smell of peaches, Li Li swallowed shamefully.

There is a thatched cottage next to the peach forest, which should be the owner of the peach forest.

Li Li was about to go over to ask Taolin's owner if he could sell him some peaches. He was about to knock on the door when he heard a woman moaning in pain from the hut. Go through unbearable pain.

Could it be that the woman inside was sick, and Li Li was considering whether to use his ability to go in and have a look.

In the mountains, Li Li has always released his powers, but in places where there are people, Li Li rarely releases his powers for no reason now. After all, this is not the end of the world, and there is no danger here, just release the powers casually If you can go out, you will spy on the privacy of other people's homes.

Just like when he first came here before, because he was not used to it for a while, he was used to releasing his abilities during the day and night, but in the end he spied the goblin fight between a couple from another family, and he was so embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he still didn't release the power, turned his head and said to Chen Miracle Doctor next to him: "Master, you do something on this stone bench, I will go in and find the owner of this peach forest." "Go, I will rest

here Rest." Miracle doctor Chen sat on a stone bench and beat his legs. He was old, and he was quite tired after drilling through the mountains and forests all morning.

Li Li walked over to open the gate of the yard outside the thatched cottage, and he knew the four poor families just by looking at the fence in the yard, because the fence was surrounded by branches of trees.

There is a pile of dead branches on one side of the yard, which is probably used for firewood. On the other side is a thatched hut. The furnishings inside should be a kitchen. There are two thatched huts in front of them. The walls of the houses are made of thatch and wooden slats. into.

The people in the house should have heard the voices in the yard, and a skinny man came out, looked at Mo Li, and asked, "What's the matter, little brother?"

Mo Li bowed his hands and said: "My master and I were collecting herbs in the mountains. We passed by this peach grove. I saw that your peaches are good, so I wanted to buy some peaches back." When the

man heard that Mo Li was here to buy peaches, his face was happy, and he immediately said: "Yes. That's fine, you can do as much as you want."

After finishing speaking, he was about to take Mo Li to pick peaches, but Mo Li paused for a moment before asking: "Brother, I heard someone in the room moaning in pain, I want to ask if she is sick, would you like me to take a look at it for her?"

Hearing what Li Li said, the man couldn't help being overjoyed, he took two steps forward and asked nervously, "Little brother, you are a doctor." Then he looked frustrated, "But our family is too poor, and my peaches have not been sold yet, so I really don't have money to pay for the consultation fee." "If I

can cure it, my elder brother will send me some peaches as a consultation. Gold is enough."

"How can this be? How much can a few peaches be worth?" The man was surprised when he heard Li Li's words, and he couldn't believe it. The peaches are only two cents a catty, which is not a low fee for a doctor's consultation. .

He had invited a doctor to see it before, and the doctor didn't say it could be cured, but it only cost a tael of silver to prescribe medicine to suppress the pain.

"Do you know Miracle Doctor Chen?" Seeing the man's unbelievable expression, Li Li spoke out Miracle Chen's trump card.

"" The little brother is talking about that miracle doctor Chen. "The man asked his younger brother in disbelief.

"Is that Dr. Chen?" He is my master. Today, I went into the mountains with my master to gather herbs. My master is resting on the stone bench outside your yard. You also know that my master's style of seeing a doctor is pleasing to the eye. There are people who pay for the consultation fees, not to mention I want your peaches. "

"Great, it's really Miracle Doctor Chen. Hurry up, ask Miracle Doctor Chen to come in to rest and drink some water." The man rushed out anxiously.

Seeing the man rushing out to find his master, Li Li lamented that the genius doctor was too famous.

Doctor Chen, who followed the man, took a hard look at Mo Li who was in the yard, and Mo Li touched his nose guiltily, knowing that he was looking for trouble for the master again.

Embarrassedly, he smiled at Miracle Doctor Chen, originally he wanted to see for himself, but this man abandoned him when he heard that he had his master.

The man led the two of them into the room. There was a bed in the room. On the bed lay a young brother with a round belly. He should be a pregnant woman. He was covered with a thin quilt and was leaning against the head of the bed, moaning in pain. with.

Looking at the brother with a big belly, Mo Li felt dizzy for a while and couldn't react. This was the first time he saw a brother with a big belly. I don't have much recognition of my identity, and I feel that I am no different from a man. Only when I see my brother with a big belly, I know... It's over, my brother can really have children!

"You have been studying with me for so long, go and have a look." Miracle Doctor Chen said to Li Li.

Mo Li only came back to his senses after hearing what Chen Miracle Doctor said, and quickly concentrated.

"Yes, master." Mo Li walked over to feel the pulse of this brother, he has never treated a pregnant woman, let alone a pregnant woman.

"I'm already eight months pregnant." Mo Li touched the smooth and smooth pulse on his wrist, like beads rolling in a plate, and asked the woman on the bed: "You still feel uncomfortable, tell me."

Then My brother touched the right abdomen with his hand and said, "It's the pain here. It's been hurting all the time. It's been very painful. It's been about three days. Today the pain is worse than the previous two days."

Mo Li heard his weak voice mixed with groans, and thin cold sweat protruding from his forehead, presumably because the pain was almost unbearable, so he said, "I want to touch your abdomen to check." "You lie down first

. Come down, and I'll give you a checkup."

The man next to him quickly came over and helped his husband to lie down slowly, and when the pregnant woman turned over, his cry suddenly increased, and he covered the right side with his hand Abdominal, shouted: "It hurts, it hurts to death! It hurts..."

Mo Li unbuttoned his clothes, revealing his round belly. Mo Li looked at the big belly and was distracted for a while, and quickly shook his head Concentrate; stretch out your hand and press on the stomach. When you touch the right side of the abdomen, you will find that the skin here is obviously tense. If you press down with a little force, the brother will scream in pain.

Li Li hurriedly let go, he didn't use mental strength to check, because he felt that every time he saw a doctor, he used supernatural powers to cheat. , proves that this guy has a problem with his right abdomen.

Afterwards, Mo Li continued to press his right abdomen with his right hand, and suddenly raised his hand. The man screamed again, and his forehead was filled with cold sweat. The man next to him looked at Mo Li with distress and puzzlement, Knowing why he tormented his husband in this way, but seeing that the genius doctor sitting next to him didn't speak, he knew that this was probably a method of his examination, so he didn't dare to ask more. After Mo Li determined the cause of the disease , he stopped and

asked, "Have you asked the doctor to see it before?"

There is no money to buy the medicine, and Doctor Qin refused to pay on credit, so it has been delayed, but the pain is getting worse."

Mo Li nodded and said: "The doctor in your village did not misjudge, it is indeed intestinal obstruction, but it is not Ordinary ileus, but abscess ileus, if this disease can't be cured, I'm afraid your children and adults won't be able to keep it."

Abscess intestinal paralysis is the modern suppurative appendicitis. Although this thing is a minor disease, it is really painful, not to mention that in ancient times, surgery was not possible. This brother is still pregnant, so it is just a dead body Two lives.

Both the man and brother were frightened. They looked at Li Li and said, "Is... so serious?

" Can you tell him that Li Li's words are not true.

After listening to Li Li's words, Doctor Chen didn't want this brother's illness to be so serious, so he went over to check it out. After the checkup, he nodded to the man to make sure what Mo Li said was right. Brother's intestinal paralysis is already very serious, and he still has an eight-month-old fetus in his belly, even he may not be able to cure it.

After the man and the brother on the bed heard what Dr. Chen said, they both burst into tears of despair.

Li Li turned his head and asked his brother on the bed: "How do you feel now? Is there anything wrong with the baby in your stomach?" "

I feel my stomach shrinking and I'm very scared. Will the baby fall? Please." The Wen woman in the village said that stomach pain would affect the baby in her stomach, and the baby might be born prematurely."

Mo Li couldn't help thinking that the late pregnancy and severe purulent intestinal paralysis, if not treated, adults and Children are in danger.

Mo Li pulled Miracle Doctor Chen aside and said, "Master, I have a way to cure this disease, but this method is a bit shocking?" "Are

you sure it can be cured?" Miracle Doctor Chen asked seriously.

Li Li promised: "I'm sure!"

"Then you just let it go, I'm here."

Mo Li turned his head to the crying man on the ground and said, "I have a cure, but do you believe me?"

Hearing what Li Li said, the man quickly stood up and asked anxiously, "What can I do?"

Li Li stared into his eyes, and said seriously: "I can disembowel and remove the pus intestine."

Both the man and brother looked at him in surprise: "Will... disembowel?"

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