Chapter 48

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Jun Mo brought Mo Li to the training ground, but was spotted by the instructors at the training ground, who came to Jun Mo and saluted, "This subordinate has met the master." Jun Mo nodded to him in satisfaction, and said, "Thank you for your hard work!

" "

After listening to Jun Mo's words, the instructor's face was moved, and he was so excited that he was willing to go through fire and water for Jun Mo immediately, "For the sake of the master, the subordinates will die." Mo Li looked funny, Ah Mo would

not It must have brought in the brainwashing of the modern propaganda~selling~, otherwise this person treats Junmo like a god.

Seeing Li Li's jokes on his face, Jun Mo said to the instructor helplessly, "I'm here to see Miracle Doctor Chen, you guys continue to train in the morning." "Yes!" After that, the instructor returned to

training On the court, he trained everyone even harder.

Jun Mo helplessly explained to Li Li the reasons for these people's enthusiasm for him, because they were all orphans before, some of their family members were killed by the Rouran people, some of their parents were killed by corrupt officials of the dynasty, and some of them were orphans. They were orphans since they were young, and some of them were even rescued by Jun Mo and the others after they were captured by soldiers of Ben Rouran as slaves.

Uncle Chen and the others gathered these people together, fed them and clothed them warmly, and even explained to them why they were looking for them. If some people were unwilling, they would let them go. Orphans who are poorly clothed, some have blood feuds, and if they leave, it will be a dead end. If they stay, they will have a chance to avenge their hatred, so everyone is willing to stay.

Afterwards, Jun Mo took out the prescription for purifying the essence and cutting the marrow. The other one is that Jun Mo's own strength is higher than them. The best-trained guards and soldiers here can't beat him, and Jun Mo has been in the modern military camp for more than ten years, and he is familiar with the operating procedures inside. Jun Mo knows how to solidify everyone's hearts and loyalty, so everyone admires Jun Mo very much. It is to enshrine him as a god.

If Jun Mo took them back to the capital to kill the emperor and rebel, none of them would object.

The two of them walked to a small second floor similar to a modern dormitory building. Each floor had six single rooms, and each single room contained four bunk beds.

It's just that there is a single courtyard in the middle of a small second-floor dormitory building, and the person who lives here is Dr. Chen.

Jun Mo took Mo Li into the yard. As soon as Mo Li entered the yard, he smelled a scent of medicine. Sure enough, when he walked in, he saw all kinds of herbs cooling in the open space of the yard. They were planted near the wall. These are some common herbs, such as honeysuckle and chrysanthemum.

Jun Mo went in and tapped on them, and asked, "Master Chen, is there?"

"Come in." An old man's voice came from the room.

Jun Mo opened the door and led Mo Li in. Inside was an old man in his fifties with a red mole on his forehead, which meant that the old man was supposed to be a brother before, and later he took a wife and gave it to Mo Li. It feels like a gentle and elegant old man in Yushu Linfeng, who has a strong medicinal fragrance, which can only be contaminated by people who have been dealing with Chinese medicinal materials all year round.

Looking at this miracle doctor Chen reminded him of his grandfather.

"What's the matter with the general coming to me? Is he injured?" Miracle doctor Chen was really having breakfast, and he didn't get up to greet him. It seemed that the relationship between the two was very familiar.

Jun Mo found two chairs and pulled Mo Li to sit down on his own. After sitting down, he said, "I found you an apprentice, Mo Li." Jun Mo pointed to Mo Li next to him, and said, "Ah Li, This is Doctor Chen."

Mo Li stood up and respectfully saluted Doctor Chen, "Doctor Chen is good."

Li Li still wanted to follow this Chen Shen's medical skills when he got up. Although he learned medical skills from his grandfather since he was a child, he also read many medical books after that, and even collected many exclusive medical books in the last days, but here he is still just a doctor. For a fifteen-year-old brother, if he wants to be a trustworthy doctor, having a master doctor is very convincing.

"Apprentice?" Doctor Chen was very interested. He didn't even eat. He stood up and looked around Mo Li twice, then suddenly asked: "People have four classics and twelve obediences

. The four meridians correspond to the four seasons; the twelve obediences correspond to the twelve months; and the twelve months correspond to the twelve meridians."

Dr. Chen: "What is yin

and yang ?" Those who are still are yin, those who are moving are yang, those who are late are yin, and those who are counted are yang."

Doctor Chen: "What are the differences between two yangs and one yin, two yins and one yang, three yins and three yangs, and why are you sick?"

Mo Li : "Diseases of the two yangs cause the heart and spleen, there is no concealment, and the woman does not have a month; it is passed down as wind disappearing, and it is passed down as the heart and cardia, and death is incurable; the disease of the three yangs is cold and heat, and the lower part is carbuncle, and it is impotence. Jue, 虨 (疒肙); it is passed down as Suo Ze, and it is passed down as decadent hernia; one yang causes disease, less gas, good cough, and good discharge; it is passed down as heart arrest, and it is passed down as separation.


Onset , the main symptoms are fright, back pain, good lamentation, and shortness of breath, which is called Fengjue; when two yin and one yang are ill, one is prone to swelling and the heart is full of good energy; when three yin and three yang are ill, one is prone to withering, and the limbs cannot move." After hearing Mo Li's answer, Doctor Chen looked at Mo Li with glowing eyes, his face was full of excitement, but he pretended to be reserved. He stroked a few sparse beards on his chin and nodded, and asked again: "People are sick with gastric ulcer How should the diagnosis be?

" Then the heat gathers in the stomach and does not go away, so the epigastric cavity is also called a carbuncle."

"Good! Good! Good!" Miracle doctor Chen applauded and laughed three times, and the laughter was obviously very satisfied.

Then he asked again: "Why do people feel restless if they lie down



, rheumatism, wind-heat exterior syndrome can be used, rubella pruritus, wind-cold-damp arthralgia, joint pain, tetanus, abdominal pain and diarrhea, etc." ......


Mo looked at the two of you, you come to me The going seemed endless, and thinking that Li Li hadn't had breakfast when he came here early in the morning, he stopped him: "Okay, Doctor Chen, Ah Li hasn't had breakfast yet, so just say that this apprentice is still okay for you to accept?" Take it."

Hearing Jun Mo's words, Doctor Chen twitched his face, pulled off a beard with one hand, and glanced at the beard in his hand, and he couldn't express his distress. beard!

"From tomorrow onwards, you will come here every day, and I want to see your ability to identify medicinal materials." Doctor Chen held back the excitement in his heart, and said with a serious and expressionless face.


Miracle doctor Chen waved to the two of them, sat down and continued to eat the unfinished breakfast, and said, "Let's go, let's go, don't disturb me and continue to eat breakfast." "


———— —

"Look at this account book, you are very poor. There are only 70,000 taels of silver in the account book."

After the two of them went to Uncle Chen for breakfast, the steward of the dark guard camp's account book management found Jun Mo and showed him this month's account book. When Mo Li checked it for him, he found that there were 50,000 yuan in the dark guard camp. There are many people, but the balance in the ledger is only 70,000 taels at this time, so it won't last long at all.

"I can only hold on for this month, and it would be better to wait for the profits of shops in the capital and other places to arrive." Jun Mo said helplessly. The family has never been short of money, so I have never felt sorry for money.

Unexpectedly, when I got here, I realized that a penny is not a hero. He is raising a private soldier, so he can't use the money from the general's mansion, so he can only send people to do business. You can sell it, but you have to save a little.

Mo Li was full of sympathy, and said slyly, "Tut~tsk~Ze, you're so pitiful, do you want me to help you?"

Seeing Mo Li's eccentric look, Jun Mo chuckled and stood up. Standing up, walking in front of him and bowing to him, he said, "Then leave everything to Master Fulang!"

Mo Li heard his address, his cheeks flushed, his phoenix eyes glaring, and he kicked over. Said: "Get out, even though it's your husband, don't call you, we are not married yet!"

Jun Mo took advantage of the opportunity to grab the kicked foot and pulled Mo Li, who was on the chair, to his waist and hugged him , pecked his lips lightly, and said in a low voice: "Baby, wait a little longer, when I settle the matter with Rouran, we will be able to get married in the capital, and I will definitely give you a grand wedding at that time. "

Mo Li nestled in Jun Mo's arms blushing, and murmured: "Actually, as long as you are with Ah Mo, it doesn't matter if you get married or not.

" Not fully conscious yet, he always felt that he was still the modern man Li Li, so he didn't have much thought about whether or not they would get married.

"Baby, I just want to give you the best, and I don't want you to be wronged in the slightest." After speaking, Jun Mo seemed to think of something, and smiled softly, as if he couldn't help it, and finally his body was shaking when he laughed. shock.

"What are you laughing at?" Mo Li asked in surprise.

"Ahem~ Baby, have you forgotten your current identity?"

Mo Li was puzzled, "What identity?"

"Your current body is brother!" Jun Mo touched the little flower bud on his forehead, He said with a chuckle: "If we didn't get married and I slept with you, you would be scolded and gossiped about, and you would be able to conceive and have children with your current body." Mo Li

listened What Jun Mo said, he felt something crack in his ear, and he was shocked. He forgot that his body can conceive and give birth like a woman!

Heartbroken old man!

"No, I don't want to be pregnant and have a baby like a woman, and why do you think it's you sleeping with me instead of me sleeping with you?" Jun Mo slightly curled his lips, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Just

you Body, are you sure you can sleep with me?"

Mo Li became furious after hearing this, because his body is a brother, for some reason, it is not strong after washing the essence, and the first impression it gives people is that it is soft and beautiful.

"Hmm, why don't you give it a try and see if I can sleep with you."

"Okay, I'll let you sleep on me when we share a room together."

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