Chapter 21

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Li Li looked at the fast-moving Shuan Zi who was running away, and asked, "What happened, wait a minute, I'll put the clothes in the yard." "Oh, don't worry about

your clothes, hurry up, People are watching the sky over there." Shuanzi said anxiously seeing that Mo Li was about to put away his clothes.

"Soon, what happened?" Mo Li looked at Shuanzi who was in such a hurry, very curious, and by the way released his ability to see what happened.

As a result... I saw a group of people watching outside the door of Mr. Mo's house in Dongtou. It turned out that there was a woman lying on the ground in the yard. It seemed that the woman's condition was not very good. There was blood all over her lower body and the ground. It was clear that this woman must have had a miscarriage.

"Hey, Boss Mo didn't do it. Didn't he have an affair with a widow before, but now the widow is pregnant and lives in his house, and Liu Yanniang is making trouble every day. Why did Liu Yanniang push that by accident today? Widow, who would have known that the widow fell to the ground and had a miscarriage, and she also passed out." Shuan Zi didn't shy away from talking about Mo Li while trotting, and his tone also showed disdain for Mo Boss and his family.

"..." Mo Li felt that he had nothing to say. He basically wouldn't release his abilities during this period of time. He really didn't know what happened. He didn't like Boss Mo's family, but he did It is a pity for the fetus. You must know that he has lived in the last days for five years. Except for the first year before the last days, he conceived a child and was born in the last days. After that, no child was born in the last four years, and no woman was pregnant.

And because the first year of the last days has just begun, the elderly, women and children are the first to be abandoned in order to survive, so less than half of the babies born in the first year of the last days survive.

When he died, the scientists in the base were still studying the children. After all, children are the future of an era.

"Come on, Little Doctor Mo is here." Shuan Zi pushed away the crowd of onlookers outside the door so that Li Li could go in to save them.

"Mo Li, quickly see if the child in your aunt's stomach is still alive?" Mo Hongqi saw that Mo Li was coming, and hurriedly tugged on his sleeve, as if seeing a savior, his face was full of excitement.

Mo Li pulled away the sleeves he was pulling, and looked down on him all over his face. This man is so heartless, he only has the unborn child in his eyes, and he doesn't worry about the two women lying on the ground.

The widow was still lying on the ground covered in blood, and next to her was the injured Liu Yanniang who was probably beaten by Mo Hongqi. Liu Yanniang hadn't fainted yet, but she probably wasn't far from fainting. Mo Li looked at the wound on her body. The injury was severe.

Li Li knelt down and felt the widow's pulse. She was still alive, but the child in her stomach was already dead. Well...wait, the pulse is wrong. He remembered that they said that the widow was only pregnant for one month Ah, what's the matter, the pulse is not a one-month-old child, but three months old, and looking at the pulse, it doesn't look like a miscarriage caused by falling from an external force, but like a miscarriage after taking medicine.

its not right! has a problem!

In an instant, Li Li understood that this Mo Hongqi must have been taken advantage of, and the green hat and the top would like to be his father.

"The person can still be saved, but the child in the stomach is hopeless." Mo Li said to Mo Hongqi after taking the widow's pulse.

When Mo Hongqi heard that the child was gone, his face was flushed with anger, and he walked over and kicked Liu Yanniang again, cursing: "Fuck, you damn mother-in-law, my good son was killed by you!" The push is gone, why don't you die."

Liu Yanniang was kicked and rolled around and passed out.

A group of people watching outside the door sighed after watching Mo Hongqi's actions.

"This Mo Hongqi is too cruel. He beat his own daughter-in-law to death for a widow's unborn child. He is really not a human being." "Yes,

Mo Hongqi is still such a person, and I haven't seen it before. "

"What are you all doing here, why should you go, those who should go to the field, those who should go home and cook, be careful when you guys come back and see that the food is not ready, don't get beat up by your guys Suddenly there was a voice from behind, and everyone looked back, it turned out that the old Mo family who had been called was coming behind, looking at the crowd outside the door and said.

The clan elders looked at the two women lying in the yard, and Mo Hongqi who was still chattering next to him. They all hated iron for a year.

Seeing that Mo Hongqi was still beating and kicking Liu Yanniang, the third uncle, one of the elders of the Mo family, shouted angrily: "Mo Hongqi, what are you doing? That is your wife. Do you sincerely want to beat her to death?

" Brother Li, is this woman okay?" The uncle, one of the elders of the Mo family, asked Li Li with concern.

"It's okay, I've stopped the bleeding, but the baby can't be saved, the adult's body is fine, it's just that she took a large dose of abortion pills and fell again, so it's probably not possible to have a baby in the future It's gone." It's obvious that this woman made a mess this time, and it's definitely not Mo Hongqi's, but it's just a good thing that Mo Hongqi bumped into her, and the widow was divorced by her original husband's family again, there is no way, So the widow relied on Mo Hongqi and lied that the child was his.

But the month is wrong, so the widow probably set up today's situation. She knew that Liu Yanniang was always targeting her, and deliberately provoked Liu Yanniang, so she asked Liu Yanniang to push her. Just before that, she took abortion pills. Now that she has fallen in love with Liu Yanniang, the hidden danger in her stomach is gone, Liu Yanniang will also be released by her, and even if she is not divorced, she will be rejected.

But no matter how much she calculated, she didn't figure out that there would be Mo Li here, so with Li Li here, she might not be able to sing today's play.

"Abortion pills? You mean the woman took the abortion pills herself." Suddenly a voice yelled out from the room. It turned out to be the paralyzed Mr. Mo.

"Well, she took abortion pills, even if she didn't fall, the baby in her stomach would not be able to keep, and her stomach is three months old, the dose of abortion pills is too heavy, so she fell again , so she probably won't be able to get pregnant again in the future." Li Li said it directly, probably because of the end of the world, he loves children very much, so he hates people who use children as rafts to harm others.

"Father, listen, Li Li has already said that this woman's child was taken abortion pills by herself, it was not caused by my mother, please stop beating my mother." Mo Tingting ran out of the house crying , supporting Liu Yanniang who had fainted, crying and shouting.

At this time, no one expected Mo Tingting's words, and they were all shocked by Li Li's words.

"Brother Li, do you mean that this woman's stomach is not a month old, but three months old?" Uncle Mo asked tremblingly, pointing at the widow on the ground. Everyone in the village knew that the widow was only last month I just got together with Mo Hongqi, and then it was said that I was pregnant for one month, so I asked Mo Hongqi to marry her as a child, but now it is revealed that the child in my belly is three months old, so the first one may be Mo Hongqi got pregnant with the widow three months ago, but if she was pregnant before, why did she say that she was pregnant for one month later, then the second one might be the widow's child, not Mo Hong neat.

Only this child is not Mo Hongqi's, and because of his growing belly, he can't hide it anymore, that's why today's incident happened.

"Yes, it's definitely three months, not a month." Mo Li firmly answered the uncle of the Mo family's question.

"Poisonous widow, this is really a poisonous widow!" The second uncle of the Mo family sighed after hearing this.

"No, no, Yunniang won't lie to me. She said that this is my son in her belly. I don't believe it." Mo Hongqi shook his head and didn't believe what Mo Li said. Li wanted to hurt him and said so on purpose. "Li Li, did you do it on purpose? You just wanted to harm me, that's why you said that the child in Yunniang's womb is not mine."

"I knew it, you are an evil spirit, you have harmed our family, and now you are harming my son." Mo Hongqi was paranoid and madly shifted the responsibility to Li Li, and even wanted to beat him.

"You bastard." The uncle of the Mo family looked at Mo Hongqi, who was messing around with you, picked up the walking stick in his hand, and hit him with a stick, "I was plotted against, and it was all on Brother Li, you are such a bastard. "

The uncle of the Mo family scolded Mo Hongqi while beating him with a walking stick, Mo Hongqi saw that the uncle was going to beat him, and walked around the yard with his head in his arms.

"Okay, big brother, don't hit me now, you're getting old, be careful not to lose your waist, I was taught by my father." The third uncle of the Mo family looked at his elder brother who was so old that he was angry and beat people all over the yard. , fearing that he would get anxious, and said to Mo Li: "Brother Li, go and see your auntie."

After hearing what the third uncle said, Mo Li turned to look at Liu Yanniang again. They were all just skin injuries, and the most serious one was just a broken hand, just let Li Li connect it to her.

Mo Li looked at the courtyard, except for the three uncles of the Mo family and Mr. Mo, the Rong family did not appear from the beginning to the end, and Mo Fangyao. Mo Li knew that they were both in the house, so it was probably Mo Li who had treated the Rong family before. Punishment, so she didn't come out of the yard for the sake of not hurting herself.

As for Mo Fangyao, his mother was beaten by her father and passed out in the yard. She didn't come out to see, but hid in the house all the time. She also seemed to be a cold person.

Li Li said to Mo Tingting who was crying all the time. "Your mother is fine, it's just some skin trauma, even a broken arm, I'll connect it too, you will come back with me to get some medicine and boil it for your mother." After speaking, Mo Li got up and turned to Mo Li

. The three uncles of the family said: "Several uncles, there is nothing wrong with Mo Li here, and the relationship between Mo Li and them is not suitable for staying here, so Mo Li will go back to get the medicine first, and Mo Tingting will get it back later. Make it for the two of them to drink."

The third uncle of the Mo family also knew about the matter between Mo Li and Mr. Mo's family, and after hearing that he was fine, he didn't force him to stay here. The widow's matter had to be resolved, and he was not fit to stay here as a junior. : "You are a good person. From now on, you will properly open your medical clinic. After you finish your filial piety, you will find a daughter-in-law to start a family and live a good life." Everyone in the village thinks that Mo Li now has

good medical skills, money, and a house. In the newly built big courtyard, I don't think he will get married, so everyone wants to say goodbye to him after he is filial piety.

The author has something to say: Jun Mo: If you don't let me out, my A Li will be kissed by the village (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Mo Li: Don't worry, captain, I will wait for you (*?▽?*)

Xiaojiu: I swear, I will definitely let you out within three chapters (#^.^#)

Junmo: Am I just here to meet or can I meet Ah Li? Clearly not to kill (σ`д′)σXiaojiu

: (points to finger) It depends on your mood, maybe you just came out to meet, maybe you two met, it mainly depends on Xiaojiu's mood O(∩_ ∩) O

Junmo/Mo Li: I want to kill...

Xiao Jiu: If you kill me, you will never see each other for the rest of your life, please, please, I will let you meet sooner when I am in a better mood ( #^.^#)

Junmo: (put your hands together) please, you are my mother, please let me meet your daughter-in-law sooner.

Mo Li: (put your hands together) please, my dear Mom, please let me see your son-in-law as soon as possible.

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