Chapter fifty-two | Nikolai

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YEAR: 622 C.E


It had been three months since Nikolai had become king. Three months since his mother died. Nikolai found himself drinking more than he normally had before. He would never admit it but he found being king to be quite bothersome. He barely had much time alone to do what he wanted. As he drank from a goblet of wine, he stared into the fireplace in his chambers. Zion stood behind his cushioned chair that faced the fireplace. The last time he had seen Zion was a few weeks ago but they didn't do much talking then. The lordling glared at the back of the king's head. "I've had more pressing matters to attend to." Said Nikolai plainly, bringing the goblet to his lips but before he could take a sip, Zion snatched it out of his hand.

"But you promised," Zion argued. Nikolai's jaw set as he turned toward Zion with tight eyes. Anger began to bubble inside him, and his fists tightened at his side. "Your father is a part of my council and it woul-." Zion threw the goblet at Nikolai. The chilled wine spilled all over his clothing and a few drops flew to his face. Nikolai laughed as he stood up, his eyes never left Zion. His eyes widened with fear as he backed away from Nikolai.

"You said you would kill him for what he has done and yet, you lounge in your chambers as he breathes joyfully. You promised that he would be dead within a week into your reign and now it has been months. And all you have to say is that he is a part of your council. He hates you, Nikolai just as he hates me. In his eyes, you are beneath him just because you desire and love differently." Zion tried to reason with Nikolai, but his efforts failed as Nikolai raised a hand and struck Zion across the cheek.

"Your father will remain on the council until he is not useful to me. I will kill him when I see it as fit. You will not demand anything of me, or I will kill you instead." Zion's hand touched his cheek as it grew red. Tears ran down Zion's face as he stared at Nikolai with a blank expression.

"You care for no one except for yourself and your own ambitions." Zion spat as he glared at the king.

Nikolai bent down to pick up the goblet, and he sat back down. He grabbed the flagon on the small table next to him and refilled the goblet, quietly. Zion was right. He cared for no one and why should he care about anyone? He was the king. People would listen to him regardless of whether he cared for them or not. Nikolai knew he would hear those very words said to him countless times until his dying breath, but he still would find himself not caring. He sighed. "What you think of me is not my concern at the moment." Zion's eye visibly twitched.

A few long and annoying moments passed by and Nikolai groaned as he leaned back into the chair. He got what he wanted, Zion was barely any use to him except for when he needed to relieve some stress. There weren't many male whores in the pleasure houses and if there were then they wouldn't trust him to not tell the Koridar. And Dawson had fled Vequera, Nikolai wondered a lot where the former knight had gone to. The whispers hadn't been able to find his father or the babe. Like they fell off the face of the earth. It annoyed him to no end. Knowing the babe was still alive and would be able to take his throne from him if he wanted to when he came of age wasn't doing the king any favors. It grew heavy on his shoulders.

"I got rid of Dawson. What makes you think I won't get rid of you?" Nikolai turned to look at Zion straight in the eyes. Zion gulped, shakily which got a rise out of Nikolai to a certain degree. Nikolai stood once more and walked to Zion, the goblet no longer in his hand. He placed a hand on Zion's shoulder, causing the young lord to flinch. Nikolai leaned in but his eyes stayed on Zion, then he smiled, showing his teeth.

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