Chapter forty-five | Valia

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YEAR: 621 C.E


They had officially been in Helell for about a week and a half but that seemed to be the only thing that plagued his mind. Koa and the princess hadn't spoken since the feast. She had to sneak him into her chambers in the dead of night when she knew the high lord would be asleep. Valia was sure that there were passageways all over the black palace, but she hadn't been able to find any. They were on her balcony with the moon's light shining down on them. Koa had his hair down and a few strands fell on his face. She wanted to brush them out of his face but decided not to.

Valia shook her head. "Koa..." She warned as she turned away from him to look out into the city. People roamed under them as their light chatter grazed her ears.

"It doesn't matter why he did it. He just did. We have to bend to his will." She added, whispering.

She ignored her own feelings about it. Every time he touched her, she felt like she was a child all over again. The urge to kill him then and there haunted her every time he did. "If he wanted to go further then what then?" His voice cracked as emotion spilled into his words. Valia sighed as she looked up at the stars.

"Then I would bend to his will." She admitted.

His body visibly shook as he took in her words. "I'm pretty sure it won't be that bad." She saw the tears and her heart ached. But she couldn't tell if it was from pity or from something much more. Her head fell in her face as she groaned. "Don't cry for me, Koa. I don't need your tears. It's not..." He turned to look at her, tears running down his now flushed face.

"It matters. He shouldn't be allowed to just do what he wants to you. It's not right. You should have a choice on whether you want..." More tears fell but a sob didn't escape him. "If you..." He couldn't find the right words to say to her. She exhaled calmly when she realized something.

"Koa, what do you feel for me?" She asked, making sure to keep her voice as calm and relaxed as possible.

She needed to make sure he wasn't just a friend who pitied her. His hands shook and he grabbed the railing for support. Valia placed a hand on his shoulder and made him look at her. It felt surreal. His golden eyes were bright but also pitiful. She wiped away his tears with a smile that did not meet her eyes, but she wanted it to. It wasn't the moment to do that. She knew that. She did not want to scare him away, but he needed to say it of his own free will. Koa needed to say it.

"I don't know what I feel. It's all so confusing." He admitted.

"I just..." He met her eyes and for a moment, it felt like she knew what he really wanted to say. His hand found its way to her arm that had not left his shoulder. His nails grazed the skin. Why was she so calm? Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. He stopped breathing.

He ran circles over her arm as he stared at her. Koa chuckled, breaking the tension but not fully. She caught him staring at her lips before looking away. "Fuck."  He cursed in Feygani. He leaned in slowly. Move closer. She thought. Just a bit. Her heartbeat was out of control. "It's okay." She encouraged him.

"I can't but I want to." He whispered as he paused inches from her lips. "But my mother said you have to marry someone else, and I don't think it would be a good idea to kiss you if I know it won't go anywhere." His actions didn't match his words as his lips brushed against hers.

She wanted to feel the warmth of his lips. Warmth of his body. She just wanted to feel something. Even if it was the smallest of pecks. But Valia didn't want to push him into anything he didn't want to. She didn't want to hurt Koa. Then his hand fell to her hip, and he pulled her into him. He kissed her softly. Their noses brushed together as he inched away from her. His lips were soft and warm. The patience he seemed to have before faded away and seconds later, his lips found hers again but this time, the kiss wasn't as soft. It was desperate. Full of need. He wanted her and couldn't help himself anymore.

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