Chapter five | Valia

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YEAR: 620 C.E


The difference had been Midori. Midori was her lady-in-waiting. Her friend and eventually her lover. Someone she cared about deeply and without shame. She knew they could never be anything more than lovers and that is how they will inevitably end. Their story will be a constant reminder of how her life could've been. Perhaps in another life.

She thought as tears rolled down her cheek. Valia hadn't said a word since leaving the dungeon. How could she? The only person she truly cared for was to be stripped away from her. The only person who cared for her and showed it. Her mother ordered all the lords and ladies into a meeting to figure out what to do with Valia. Her hands trembled as she stared down at them. Her body lazily moved across her room waiting for them to send word. Midori's execution wouldn't be until the next day.

"Princess, The King." Her guard announced outside of her room. The door opened and Her father met her eyes with a certain sadness to them.

He then walked further into her chamber. Valia analyzed every single step he made as he moved to sit on her bed. Clearing her throat she said, "Why are you here?" He never came into her room. This would be his first time in years. King Vasily was a man of very few words. He rarely ever spoke unless he needed to.

"I wanted to check up on you. I know the girl meant a lot to you." He didn't look at her as he spoke but instead, he stared at the door like he was already planning his escape if things went south.

"Did mother tell you to come in here?" She asked, annoyed. Her arms crossed her chest. The anger boiled inside of her again.

"I came on my own accord."

She made a noise, pursing her lips. Her legs moved on their own and sat down next to him. They fell into awkward silence. King Vasily reached for Valia's hand that laid on her lap, but she yanked her hand away before he could touch it. "Unless you came here to tell me you got mother to stop the execution then I think you should leave." She struggled to get words out. Her father sighed but he did not move a muscle.

"Your mother is sending you to Azoz and you are to come back once everything calms down here."

"What if I don't want to go to Azoz?" She asked.

He sighed once more. "You don't have much of a choice in the matter. Your mother and the council have already made up their minds." 

"Word of advice, Valia. Pick your lovers, wisely." He said as he stood up.

He stared down at her with warm eyes. She knew he meant well but it didn't stop it from cutting deep. Her eyes watered again at the thought of ever being with anyone like she was with Midori. She would soon have to marry. "You are actually lucky that you aren't the heir."

Her sadness swiftly turned to annoyance. He was trying to make her feel better, but he couldn't and never would.

"Why is that?" She spat out.

She glared at him, her lips pulling into a thin line. King Vasily took a step back. "You get to marry for love and not duty like your brother. Like your mother. Like me." His voice fell to a whisper as he spoke the last words.

It was known that Queen Isabella did not want to marry her father. When they first married after being engaged since childhood, she refused to bed him. So, they remained without any children for over seven years. Her parents don't love one another that was obvious by the way her mother rarely ever paid attention to him or cared about what he had to say unless it was during a meeting with the council. Valia didn't say anything and eventually, he left the room.

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