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Naruto mastered the principles of taming the Kyubi within him.

Skilled shinobis from past generations have been resurrected.

Gaara has delivered his speech as Kazekage.

And both opposing parties have officially declared war against each other.


Doom and explosions rang in the air, innocent lives losing their precious light amidst the bloodshed. Konoha became an authentic warzone, teeming with shinobis and kunoichis fending off raids and battling for their own survival.

The whole landscape screamed chaos.

The ground rattled beneath Manaka as she sucked in a deep breath, holding onto her lower stomach for slight comfort. The said girl was imprisoned inside a building, lacking knowledge of what was occurring with the outside world. Tsunade had specifically instructed ninja guards to secure her in a windowless chamber so she wouldn't act impulsively and flee without their awareness.

The Hokage knew Hana had an efficient fighting strategy, but there was no eclipse in sight for Manaka to summon her into battle. And it's not like she was willing to let her participate in the first place.

Manaka felt pitiful being isolated like a mere prisoner. She wanted to put herself into action, at least to help those who were injured- except the Sannin had a fair justification: Without a moon hovering above their heads, Manaka's body expressed ineligible, hence she had no right in partaking amidst the mess out there.

Sighing, the teen slumped onto the floor and drew her feet near her chest. Hana gazed at her with crossed arms, a frown evident against her lips. They weren't too concerned with the concept of evacuating. Rather, a tad stressed of the little time they have together before Manaka finally returns home.

Considering once Manaka transforms into Hana, leaving this room was the least of their concerns.

"You doing okay there?" Hana voiced out.

Manaka simply shrugged. "Kind of? I'm not so sure. But, enough of me. Are you certain you're prepared to face Madara?"

The previous warrior gasped, feigning a hand against her breast. How could she say that? Of course she was!

"Me? I was born ready! You know we can't separate unless we fix what that asshole caused in the first place." The woman glared. "I can feel the universe's wrath because of his unforeseen modification in both worlds. I must act upon that and move with caution since I'll be carrying you inside of me the entire time."

Manaka nodded, then put on a smile, her eyes drooping heavily. "You know, I'm glad this is happening. You can finally live the life you got robbed of again. I want you to feel happy, be able to sense, interact with others, and rediscover love once more."

Hana couldn't help but giggle. Her reaction caused her doppelgänger to raise her brows in confusion. Manaka didn't mention anything funny along the lines, so why was she laughing?

"No one could ever replace Tamahome." Hana uttered. "He'll forever remain in my heart. He's like no other."

His laughing image popped in her head. Their memories, from the very start of their love story to its tragic end, surfaced as a projector, flickering through a sequence of their memories. What is entirely of the soul, remains entirely in the soul, pure, sacred, perfect, and immaculate.

The possibility of someone else replacing his place never occurred upon her, and it never will.

Hana's and Manaka's hearts suddenly pulsated hard.

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