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"You must be Draco, The student who is thinking about joining us here. And you are here to watch how the school runs for a day, correct?" The lady's smile is sickly sweet making Draco want to vomit. He hates fake people. Pouring on the charm. He'd rather people show some vulnerability, like be nervous.

"Yes, I was told that after this class, I could chose a student to shadow for the day. Is this true?" Draco tries to keep the sneer out of his voice, portraying the sweet student.

It works. The teacher smiles and nods. "You can choose a student or I can recommend one. Why don't you take a seat?"

Draco turns stiffly on his heels, walking to take a seat in the back as the first students walk in. The cast glances at him, but do not approach. Maybe due to his clothes. He had nice slacks on and a button down, whiles the others have more casual clothes on.

One kid walks in, catching Draco's eye, but not because of his clothes. Inky black hair falls silkily off his head, brushing into his eyes. It looks like it hasn't been brushed, but doesn't need to. His eyes are full of worry and distress, glancing around and down, the sunlight form the window illuminating his emerald, leave green eyes. The guy is wringing his hands, shuffling around in his seat in the middle of the room. He then hunches over, curling down to hide.

Draco sucks in a breath. The guys is gorgeous and shy.

"So, class, we are counting with our poetry presentations. Up next is..." She dips her head to look at the list on her clip board. "Mr. Potter."

The Adonis stands up, slowly making his way to the front. He shuffles the papers in his hand, fumbling a bit to find the right sheet. He clears his throat, his voice coming out like sin on Sunday to Draco.

The blonde leans forward to catch his eye. The boy u front tilts his head some at the boy in the back that is paying a lot of attention to him.

"The poem I chose is "A Dead Rose" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Some things about her are..." The student drones on, but Draco con only hear the quiver in his voice, portraying how anxious he is to be up there. He shuffles around, not being able to stay still. He hands shakes slightly, Draco notices, because the paper quakes. Draco can hear catches in his voice along with the occasional stumble over a word. Every time that happens, he shakes his head slightly, showing some disappointment in himself.

Draco wants to comfort him. Go up and hug him and stroke his hair until he can speak without a wobble. He hates seeing people nervous as much as he likes it. It shows vulnerability, but it also shows they have little confidence in themselves.

When the boy sits, it seems like it couldn't come soon enough. He sighs and curls up again. Draco watches him as another student goes up, until there is only five minutes left in class.

"So, some of you may have noticed Mr. Malfoy sitting in the back. He is touring the school to see if he wants to attend." She turns her attention to him in the back. "Mr. Malfoy, have you chosen anyone to shadow?" Draco stands and walks up, the eyes following him.

"Yes. I think I've chosen someone. I think his names was Mr. Potter?" The lady smiles and nods. The girls sigh, hoping that he would choose them.

"Good choice. He is the top of all his classes. Come up, Mr. Potter." The boy drags his feet on the way up, looking reluctant to approach the front of the room. "I'll let you two out a bit early, just don't get in trouble."

The raven haired beauty collects his books and scrambles out, not turning once to make sure Draco is following. He stops suddenly, turning to open a locker. He switches books, dropping one in the process.

Draco expects him to fumble and try to catch it, not lift his foot up and let it drop. He does it with such practice, such grace, Draco is sure this is not the first time.

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