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"I don't want to go to a Halloween party! That is so Uni and you have kids. Why are you forcing me to go?" Harry shouts at his best friends, Ron and Hermione. They met in the end of primary school, becoming fast friends. They did everything together, nothing was off limits.

Well, somethings were. When Harry and Ron started to be interested in girls, Hermione would get angry and storm off. Their friendship was in danger until it came out that 'Mione liked Ron. A lot. It was awkward to seem them dance around each other.

For a while, Ron dated another girl and Hermione was torn. She threw herself into her studies and wouldn't take care of herself. Harry had to watch over her all the time.

Then she got better. She got over him.

And that wrecked Ron. He only then understood what she meant to him. He immediately dumped the girl and went to Hermione. She wouldn't take him. He begged and begged and begged, doing outrageous things to get her to give him a chance.

She said she want to become friends again first. So until they went to Uni, they were friends, if you could call it that. She stayed away and would only make small talk with Ron. It wasn't until she was flirting with a boy at a party and Ron came over, getting in between them.

She stormed out and yelled. She slapped him and screamed some more. Ron stood there and took it with his head lowered. She grabbed his head and kissed him like she was drowning and Ron held the air she needed.

Harry was overjoyed that his friends wouldn't be dancing around each other anymore and maybe things would return to normal.

But they didn't. The couple couldn't keep their hands off each other. Harry was annoyed for a little while, but it passed in good faith.

He was their best man at their wedding last year. They got married as soon as they got out of Uni and started a family. Harry is the godfather and couldn't be happier for them.

Though he wanted that. Romance. Love. Passion. But he never could seem to find it. The girls he dated wanted Harry to do everything and gave him nothing in return. He was tired of trying and settled down for a life of cats.

'Mione is still trying to set him up with someone. This is another one of her attempts to find his someone. What better way than a costume party full of mostly naked girls?

"Harry? Have you been listening? I can't believe you. Listen or I'll chose your costume." Hermione waggles her finger in Harry's face, threating him. He knows, from past experiences, that that threat is very real and very dangerous. Hermione can think of the worst punishments.

"Ok, ok. I'm listening. What were you saying?" Harry straightens his back, giving Hermione his full attention.

"Harry, you haven't dated anyone in a while. And you said yourself that all the girls you dated aren't what you are looking for in a partner. So, you are going to a gay Halloween costume party. See if guys fit what you want better. That might be the answer, Harry." Harry gapes at the girl.

"You want me to go to a gay party? Why in the world would you think I would be into girls?" Harry stands to belittle 'Mione for the idea ever crossing her mind.

"Listen, Harry. With a guy, the right guy, he will take care of you better than a girl can. You can be equals, not you doing everything for the girl. Harry, just try, please. If this doesn't work, I will stop trying." Hermione pleads with Harry working the puppy eyes and everything.

Harry turns to Ron, who hasn't spoken a word since Hermione trapped him in here. "Mate?"

Ron sighs and stands. Ruffling his fire engine red hair, he speaks. "It could work Harry. Most gay couples I know are sorta like that. Try, once." Ron wraps his arm around Hermione's shoulder and looks down.

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