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Dear Harry,

You had been getting more suspicious of me. I'd been sneaking out early in a morning and staying out late. Every time I came in, you greeted me with a sad smile and a kiss to the cheek. You had stopped kissing me lips.

It had been a week since we'd made love. The first day I went to look for a rings was the day after the last time. It was during that amazing event that I realized. I wanted that for the rest of my life. To make you feel that way, like you were loved and cared for.

That if he came back, you wouldn't have to face him alone, that you would have your husband with you.

That first day, I couldn't find anything that describes you. All of it was too girly or not unique enough for you. You are the savior of the wizarding world. You deserve something nice. I wanted that perfect ring for you. I still want the perfect one.

That night, I couldn't stop looking at you. How you danced making dinner or how we cuddled falling asleep. I watched you sleep that night.

The rest of the ring hunting went like that. Nothing was right.

So I came home tired. I felt exhausted and you said I looked that way too. You asked why and I said I couldn't tell you. You backed off and I was grateful. How was I supposed to tell you that looking at you all night then ring shopping has made me this tired?

Then I found it. It was perfect. I sigh just thinking about it. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to find it. I couldn't wait to put it on your finger when I proposed. I wanted to show the world you were mine.

Were mine. You couldn't take it. The war made you paranoid, I guess. When you exploded and accused me, my heart shattered. You didn't trust me.

You yelled that I was cheating. I couldn't believe it. This stuff only happens in books. I stood there and took it, trying not to cry. I debated telling you. Say I'm not cheating and show you the ring or try to convince you I'm not and not show you your ring. Before I could decide, you were out the door. Exited my life the same way you entered. Both leaving me heart broken.

I cried when you left. Balled my eyes out until I fell asleep from exhaustion with a ring imprint on me cheek.

So, Harry, here is my letter explaining what happened. Everything that ever went on this past week. This letter is a take me back letter. I've enclosed the ring I was going to propose with. Please say yes. Say you'll marry me and we can forget about this stupid misunderstand.

I still love you. I never stopped. I've loved you since I was young. And that love has only grown.

From (your hopefully soon to be fiancé) Draco.

The morning Harry received the letter was not a good one. He had just gotten up from a sleepless night that he had cried through almost all of. This was the third night since his break up with Draco and he hadn't slept at all in the past three days except for a nod off here and there.

He was trying to just cry him completely out of his system, but so far it wasn't working. It hurts so much that Draco would cheat on him when he knew Harry was so in love with him. Was he not good enough? Did they grow apart and Harry not notice? Did Draco just find someone else? Someone better?

Harry didn't want to think about it but it seemed to be the only thing he could at the moment. The questions ate away at his mind, leaving him with a deep hollow feeling in his chest where his heart should have been.

He went down into the kitchen at Ron and Hermione's place where he was staying to try and eat something and keep it down this time when he noticed the mail on the floor by the door was starting to pile up. He slowly dragged his feet over and picked up the pile.

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