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It was after the double potions class with the Slytherins and the Gryffindor's. Harry was pissed off. Professor Snape had taken away 50 house points after Hermione had answered too many questions. She teared up at the back of the class, hiding her face in her potions book. Harry wanted to jinx Snape for making her feel like that.

Knowing he couldn't do anything made him even more furious. He is the Boy Who Lived. He can get almost everything he wants. But this was different. Snape would only take away more house points, to the point he would be shunned again. It was definitely not fun the last time.

So he had stayed quiet. He left the class in silence, a dark cloud trailing after him. But things were starting to look up. It was in between classes. Lunch time to be more specific. Everyone would be in the Great Hall. Well, almost everyone.

Harry is going to meet someone. Someone he really likes. Maybe even loves. He's distractedly daydreaming about them. He rushes to put his book in Gryffindor Tower. After, doing so, he slows. Going to the bathroom, he wastes time till the hallway is deserted.

After hearing The Fat Lady's portrait swing shut, he opens his trunk to pull out the invisibility cloak and Marauder's Map. Pushing the portrait open and throwing the cloak on, he treks down to the third floor corridor. He looks at the map to make sure everyone is in their place. It looks like his secret partner is already awaiting him. Typical of them, to always be punctual, the way they were raised.

Quickly bounding down the stairs, the cloak flying after him, he slows to sneak up. Harry to check one last time that they are truly alone. He throw the edge of the cloak over his partners head, grabs his waist, and pulls him towards himself. As Harry places a soft kiss on his neck, Draco hums contently.

The blond grabs Harry by the hips and tugs him firmly to his chest. He places his thumbs at the corner of Harry's mouth and splays his hand on his cheek and his fingers to tickle Harry neck lightly. Harry loves this side of Draco. The one the takes control. He tilts his head up to kiss Draco, but his head is turned by the hand on his cheek.

Draco took more time in the shower and didn't have time to shave this morning. Not that anyone has noticed. His hair is so light, it has not been noticed. Until, it scratches Harry's cheek along with a soft pair of lips. Oh, that's a new feeling. Harry could get used to this every once in a while.

Draco trails hot, wet kisses down Harry's long, tan neck. Trailing his hand up Harry's chest, Draco pulls down the collar of Harry's school robes. He places more kisses and a lick there.

The stairs suddenly move. Draco bit down in surprise, causing Harry to pull away. There is now a deep bruise forming under where his robes fell back into place. Draco kisses it softly in apology, ducking his head and smiling sheepishly at the brunette.

They hear students clomp down the halls. Draco turns to Harry and pecks his lips.

"Tomorrow, under the stairs." Draco winks at the flushing boy and turns to whisk away with a swoosh of his robes.

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