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"Come on Draco! We're almost there!" Harry beamed over his shoulder.

"I'm going as fast as I can, but like I already said, these stupid penguin suits my

father makes me wear aren't made for running in," Draco replied smiling

proudly as Harry laughed at his joke.

"Then waddle faster little penguin! Once the clouds move we'll have a perfect


The sky was growing darker as the two five year olds ran up the hill a few yards away from the summer cabins they had been sharing with the rest of the five

year olds at camp.

When they finally reached the top of the hill, the clouds began to part. They

both immediately looked up into the sky, searching for the first one to appear.

"There it is Draco! LOOK! Look there it is!" Harry exclaimed excitedly pointing up into the heavens.

"I see it Harry! I see it," Draco reassured Harry who was excitedly bouncing up

and down, still pointing at the sky but no longer in any specific spot.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked.

"Definitely," Draco answered

"On the count of three we'll start together. Ok?"


"One," Harry started.

"Two." "Three."

"Starlight, star bright,first star we see tonight, wish we may, wish we might,

have these wishes we wish tonight," the boys chanted together, Harry gazing

intently at the star and Draco doing the same at him. Once they finished their

chant, they both squeezed their eyes shut as tightly as they could and wished upon that star.

Draco opened his eyes slowly, taking time to completely take in the sight before him. There Harry stood, with his dark, wild, black hair, his emerald green eyes lit by the stars that reflected brightly in his large glasses, and a wide goofy smile

stretched across that Draco couldn't help but mirror.

This boy who he really barely knew, who just unceremoniously dumped himself

into Draco's life just four days ago, this boy who had become Draco's first best


Harry looked back down from the sky to Earth and said, "Come on we should go

back," and started heading back down the hill.

Draco took one last look back up at their wishing star and whispered quietly so

that Harry couldn't hear, "I know you're not supposed to say your wishes out

loud but maybe I do this once you'll hear me better. I really really wish that even

though Harry and I will both be going home tomorrow, that someday somehow

we'll meet again. I'd really like that. Thanks!"

"Coming?" he heard Harry shout from behind him.

"Ya, I'm coming," he said as he turned around and trotted over to the raven

haired boy.

"Good. So I was thinking, if Batman was real..." Harry went on talking about

nothing and everything all at once while Draco just walked quietly beside him, smiling all the way. The only thought on his mind was 'may i please have this

wish I wished tonight.'


Quote of the day: A dream is a wish your heart makes.


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