Risk: Revenge

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Author's Note: I know this is super  late, but I've been sick so... Sorry, for that and the story.

Harry doesn't know what he expected after he yelled and hit Malfoy. Maybe sad looks and dodged encounters for a while, but he thought he would get over it. People get over crushes, it doesn't ruin their lives. Harry has never heard of people killing themselves over rejection.

He thinks there has to be something else that sent him over the edge. He doesn't feel devastated over this. Yes, he feels bad that he was a causing factor and yes he wishes he handled it differently, but nothing is forever.

People were crying everywhere when the news was announced at a meeting in the Great Hall. Harry feels numb after thinking all those things about Malfoy. Bloody hell, he is dead now! He gets up and rushes out. People look at him and heads turn to follow him out. He doesn't want people to look and judge him. He wants to be alone.

Without knowing, he is back in Malfoy's room, right under the beam where the rope was minutes ago. Everything seems to get more real as he collapse to the ground. He sees, under the bed, a bloody knife. A chocked sob climbs out of his throat as he reaches with a suddenly shaking hand to pick it up. He pulls it near to his face to look, his hands shake so hard that he fumbles and drops the knife.

It drags down his pant leg, nicking his skin underneath, it's that sharp. He feels the need to gasp, but he keeps quite. It feels wrong to disturb the disgusting silence. Someone died here, willingly. And, probably, hurt themselves before doing it.

More sobs come out and Harry feels what he should have in the Great Hall. Shame, guilt, disgust, all at himself. He wishes he handled it differently. Been nicer to Draco so he wouldn't have felt so low that that was his only option.

Harry doesn't realize he's doing it, but a second cut joins the first down his leg. Blood is pooling on the ground around him. It's warm and sticky and he doesn't even notice as a drags the blade down the other leg.

Everything is starting to make sense. What Draco felt. Harry doesn't feel rejection, but all the emotions flying out of his mind as he cuts down his leg. It feels good and Harry is ashamed and thrilled. He closes his eyes and breathes.

The noise slows to a stop as the room becomes devoid of life.

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